Graziaphylus joceliae Schuh & Salas 2021, new species

Main Authors: Schuh, Randall T., Salas, Ruth
Format: info publication-taxonomictreatment Journal
Terbitan: , 2021
Online Access:
Daftar Isi:
  • Graziaphylus joceliae, new species (Figs 1, 2, 12–17, Table 1) Holotype. Male. AUSTRALIA: South Australia: 8 km S of Martins Well, 31.40001 ° S 139.0753 ° E, 187 m, 08 Nov 2001, Cassis, Schuh, and Schwartz, Eremophila sp. (Scrophulariaceae), det. NSW staff NSW666362, 1♂ (AMNH _PBI 00415222) (SAMA). Paratypes: AUSTRALIA: South Australia: 8 km S of Martins Well, 31.40001 ° S 139.0753 ° E, 187 m, 08 Nov 2001, Cassis, Schuh, and Schwartz, Eremophila sp. (Scrophulariaceae), det. NSW staff NSW666362, 7♂ (00415236–00415242), 14♀ (00415276–00415289) (AM); 10♂ (00415221, 00415223, 00415231–00415235, 00415251, 00415252, 00415255), 20♀ (00415253, 00415254, 00415256, 00415257, 00415298, 00415299, 00415308–00415321) (AMNH); 1♂ (00415245), 2♀ (00415294, 00415295) (ANIC); 1♂ (00415247), 2♀ (00415300, 00415301) (CNC); 7♂ (00415224–00415230), 18♀ (00415258–00415275) (SAMA); 1♂ (00415249), 2♀ (00415304, 00415305) (UCR); 2♂ (00415243, 00415244), 4♀ (00415290–00415293) (UNSW); 1♂ (00415250), 2♀ (00415306, 00415307) (USNM); 1♂ (00415246), 2♀ (00415296, 00415297) (WAMP); 1♂ (00415248), 2♀ (00415302, 00415303) (ZISP). Etymology: Named in honor of Jocelia Grazia. Diagnosis: Recognized by the attributes given in the generic diagnosis, the overall length of the male (2.72), the legs entirely pale except for the numerous castaneous spots on the distal half of the hind femur in both males and females, the black bases of the tibial spines, and the dorsum and thoracic pleuron with a few scattered, dark-colored, scalelike setae (Figs. 1, 2, 9, 10). Description: Male: Body conformation as in generic description; total length 2.56–2.87, width across pronotum 1.05–1.11. COLORATION (Fig. 1): As in generic description; legs entirely pale except for the numerous castaneous spots on the distal half of the hind femur and dark bases of tibial spines. SURFACE AND VESTITURE (Figs. 1, 5, 9–11): As in generic description, with recumbent, dark, simple setae intermixed with relatively dark, scalelike setae on dorsum; dorsal margin of meso- and metapleuron broadly with a few silvery, shining, scalelike setae; abdominal venter with numerous recumbent shining setae (Fig. 11). STRUCTURE: As in generic description. GENITALIA (Figs. 12–15): Apical endosomal spine with two lateral barbs; otherwise as in generic description. Female: As in generic description; total length 2.98–3.06, width pronotum 1.11–1.17. COLORATION (Fig. 2): As in male. SURFACE AND VESTITURE (Figs. 2, 5, 9–11): As in male. STRUCTURE (Figs. 2, 5–11): Similar to male, but more broadly ovoid; metathoracic scent-efferent system extensive, as in Figure 6. GENITALIA: Figures 16, 17. Distribution: Known only from the type locality in the Flinders Ranges, South Australia, Australia. Host: Eremophila sp. (Scrophulariaceae).
  • Published as part of Schuh, Randall T. & Salas, Ruth, 2021, Graziaphylus, a new genus and two new species of Eremophila-feeding (Scrophulariceae) Phylinae (Insecta: Heteroptera: Miridae) from Australia, pp. 319-326 in Zootaxa 4958 (1) on pages 321-323, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4958.1.18,