Fig. 10 in Revision of the North American Plant Bug Genus Megalopsallus Knight, with the Description of Eight New Species from the West (Heteroptera: Miridae: Phylinae)

Main Author: SCHUH, RANDALL T.
Format: info Image Journal
Terbitan: , 2000
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  • Fig. 10. Habitus photographs of Megalopsallus spp. M. nigrofemoratus (3: California, Inyo Co., 2 mi E of Westgard Pass Summit, White Mts; Utah, Uintah Co., 5–10 mi SW of Bonanza. ♀: California, Inyo Co., 2 mi E of Westgard Pass Summit, White Mts; Utah, Uintah Co., 5–10 mi SW of Bonanza). M. nuperus (3 and ♀: Utah, Box Elder Co., Bear River Refuge). M. pallidus (3 and ♀: Nevada, Lander Co., 1.5 mi S of Rt. 50 on Rt. 376). M. pallipes (3: Utah, San Juan Co., Rt. 63 at Arizona border, Monument Valley. ♀: Nevada, Nye Co., 35 mi N of Tonapah, Coyote Hole Spring/Sevier Reservoir). M. parapunctipes (3 Nevada, Eureka Co., 12 mi S of Rt. 50 on Rt. 278. ♀: Nevada, Nye Co., Atomic Test Site, 2.8 mi E of Mercury Highway on Tweezer Road).
  • Published as part of SCHUH, RANDALL T., 2000, Revision of the North American Plant Bug Genus Megalopsallus Knight, with the Description of Eight New Species from the West (Heteroptera: Miridae: Phylinae), pp. 1-70 in American Museum Novitates 3305 on page 29, DOI: 10.1206/0003-0082(2000)305<0001:ROTNAP>2.0.CO;2,