Olonia soulierae Constant 2018, sp. nov

Main Author: Constant, Jérôme
Format: info publication-taxonomictreatment Journal
Terbitan: , 2018
Online Access: https://zenodo.org/record/5975740
Daftar Isi:
  • Olonia soulierae sp. nov. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:6670A1E7-F89F-4D93-901E-49DD861B6539 Figs 3, 47–49 Diagnosis This species can be recognized by the following combination of characters: (1) hind wings with orange marking (Figs 47E, 49E) (2) pro- and mesofemora and -tibiae largely black-brown (Figs 47A–D, 49A–D) (3) anal tube of male narrow and parallel-sided on basal 1⁄2, then ovate with posterior margin notched (Fig. 48B) (4) centroventral part of gonostyli with long and narrow process, slightly sinuate basally and with apical hook pointing dorsally (Fig. 48A, C) (5) laterodorsal part of gonostyli with hooked process curved lateroventrally (Fig. 48A, C–D) (6) large size: 9.4–11.2 mm Etymology This species is dedicated to Dr Adeline Soulier-Perkins (MNHN), who collected a part of the type series. Material examined Holotype AUSTRALIA • ♁; Queensland, near Chillagoe Haunted Cave; 17°06′ S, 144°25′ E; “Muséum Paris, Australie (Queensland) Près de Chilagoe Hounted Cave - Cave 1”, “S17°06′ E144°25′, 13.III.1997, A. Soulier-Perkins & Th. Bourgoin rec..”, “QM-244702”; QM. Paratypes AUSTRALIA • 2 ♁♁, 4 ♀♀; same collection data as for holotype; MNHN • 1 ♁, 1 ♀; same collection data as for holotype; RBINS • 1 ♀; “ Australia: Qld., Chillagoe Caves Nat. Park, turnoff to Royal Arch Cave, Au 97 – 49, 60, 63, M. Asche & H. Hoch, 19.III.1997 ”; ZMHB. Description MEASUREMENTS AND RATIOS. LT: ♁ (n = 3): 9.8 mm (9.4–10.1); ♀ (n = 5): 10.8 mm (10.5–11.2); BV/LV = 4.0; BF/LF = 1.71; LP+LM/BT = 0.71; LTg/BTg = 2.1–2.3; LW/BW = 1.72. Male HEAD (Fig. 47A–D). Vertex concave, with anterior and posterior margins parallel, curved; dark brown variegated with yellowish in middle. Frons black-brown, slightly tinged with 2 transverse, irregular, variegated yellowish markings, more dorsal one not reaching sides. Clypeus elongate, dark reddish brown with 2 short, black, longitudinal lines at base, with apex darker. Genae yellowish with brown markings around eyes and under antennae. Labium brown, reaching metacoxae. Antennae black; scape short, ring-shaped; pedicel subcylindrical, slightly narrowing towards apex. THORAX (Fig. 47A–C). Pronotum dark brown with some yellowish markings laterally; slightly transversely wrinkled posteriorly; obsolete median carina and 2 small impressed points on disc. Lateral fields of prothorax brown. Mesonotum dark brown with reddish markings along posterior margin, median yellowish spot along anterior margin and at apex of scutellum; slightly rugulose; median and peridiscal carinae weakly marked; median carina ending before scutellum; slight impression before scutellum. Red ventrally. Tegulae brown. TEGMINA (Fig. 47A, C). Dark brown with small yellowish or reddish spots; bigger, whitish, slightly transverse spot on middle of clavus; large triangular white marking on costal margin on nodal line and a smaller one anterior to it; white marking at apicosutural angle. Maximum breadth at nodal line; costal margin slightly sinuate; apical margin obliquely rounded. POSTERIOR WINGS (Fig. 47E). Brown with apical 1⁄2 black-brown; transverse, subtriangular white marking at apicocostal angle, extending on 5 cells; sutural margin broadly bordered with yellowish on basal half; orange marking between anal fold and vein CuA at about half length. Margin of anal area sinuate; sutural margin with 2 clefts, cubital one slightly marked. LEGS (Fig. 47A–D). Pro- and mesocoxae reddish brown. Pro- and mesofemora black-brown with yellowish spots marking 2 obsolete rings. Pro- and mesotibiae black-brown with 3 obsolete ring-shaped yellowish markings, larger one near apex. Pro- and mesotarsi dark brown, with basal half of last segment yellow-brown. Metacoxae reddish; metafemora reddish with apex brown. Metatibiae brown, with 3 lateral spines yellowish basally and 8 apical, black-brown spines. Metatarsi brown with a ventral row of 6 black spines on first tarsomere. ABDOMEN. Bright red with genital segments black-brown. MALE GENITALIA (Fig. 48). Posterior margin of pygofer in lateral view strongly sinuate, roundly projecting at dorsal 1⁄2, rather broad ventrally (Fig. 48A, C). Anal tube elongate, 2.25 times as long as broad, with basal 1⁄2 parallel-sided and narrower, then broadly ovate with posterior margin notched; slightly sinuate in lateral view; lateral margins slightly curved ventrally on apical 3⁄4 (Fig. 48A–B). Gonostyli fused to nearly half length of centroventral part and projecting posteriorly (Fig. 48A, C). Centroventral part dorsoventrally flattened on basal 1⁄2, then abruptly narrowing and forming strongly elongated and narrow process, slightly diverging and ending in a small hook pointing dorsally; process slightly sinuate in lateral view (Fig. 48A, C). Laterodorsal part of gonostyli curved lateroventrally, hooked, with lateral process rather broad and moderately elongated, about as long as spoon-shaped process (Fig. 48A, C–D). Dorsal portion of phallobase with elongate process on each side, strongly narrowing on basal half in lateral view, then strongly hooked, pointing dorsally and slightly incurved (Fig. 48E–F). Ventral portion of phallobase along lateral margin of phallus on basal half, elongate and supassing phallus, crossing after it (Fig. 48E–F). Phallus dorsoventrally flattened, elongate, narrowing from base to apex (Fig. 48E–F). Female Similar to male, but darker; frons entirely black-brown; white markings on tegmina smaller; blackbrown area of posterior wings larger, orange marking reduced (Fig. 49). Distribution and biology This species is known from a series of ten specimens collected in Chillagoe in North Queensland (Fig. 3), in the Einasleigh Upland Savanna bioregion. Nine specimens were collected on a single day in March; hence, the species is probably not scarce in its habitat. No host plant is recorded.
  • Published as part of Constant, Jérôme, 2018, Revision of the Eurybrachidae XIV. The Australian genera Olonia Stål, 1862 and Stalobrachys gen. nov. (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha), pp. 1-97 in European Journal of Taxonomy 486 on pages 75-80, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2018.486, http://zenodo.org/record/2270151