Peritropisca Carvalho & Lorenzato 1978

Main Authors: Wolski, Andrzej, Gorczyca, Jacek
Format: info publication-taxonomictreatment Journal
Terbitan: , 2014
Online Access:
ctrlnum 6138992
fullrecord <?xml version="1.0"?> <dc schemaLocation=""><creator>Wolski, Andrzej</creator><creator>Gorczyca, Jacek</creator><date>2014-12-31</date><description>Peritropisca Carvalho &amp; Lorenzato, 1978 (Figures 1 &#x2013;4, 11&#x2013;24, 27&#x2013;28, 30, 33) Peritropisca Carvalho &amp; Lorenzato 1978: 129, 146 (gen. nov.); Carvalho &amp; Froeschner 1987: 133 (list); Schuh 1995: 34 (catalog), 2002-2013 (online catalog); Gorczyca 2000: 49 (list), 2006: 64 (catalog). Type species: Peritropisca bituberculata Carvalho &amp; Lorenzato, 1978 (original designation, by mistake as P. tuberculata). Diagnosis. Recognized by the following combination of characters: head, pronotum, and scutellum verrucose (Figs. 23 &#x2013;24, 27&#x2013; 28); vertex with T-shaped shallow furrow composed of longitudinal, medial groove and transverse groove situated near posterior margin of vertex (Figs. 23&#x2013;24, arrows); pronotum with calli strongly developed and posterior lobe with two well-developed mediolateral tubercles and medial, longitudinal keel (Figs. 27&#x2013;28, arrows); scent gland efferent system strongly reduced to posterior margin of metepisternum (Fig. 33, arrow); endosoma with strongly developed lobes: one situated basally (ML) and other apically of endosoma (AL) (Figs. 11, 17); DSS widened toward apex, ending in serrate lobe attached to basal portion of medial lobe (ML) (Figs. 11, 17). Peritropisca is most similar to Euchilofulvius in structure of head, pronotum, and scutellum being verrucose (Figs. 23&#x2013;24) and vertex with a T-shaped shallow furrow (Figs. 23&#x2013;24, arrows). Peritropisca differs from Euchilofulvius in hemelytron not narrowed basally and lateral margin of embolium missing tubercles basally (Figs. 1&#x2013;2). In Euchilofulvius the hemelytron is always strongly narrowed basally and bears distinct tubercles at constricted portion (Fig. 29; see also Gorczyca 1998: Fig. 1). Peritropisca can be also separated from Euchilofulvius by scent gland efferent system being present, which is absent in Euchilofulvius (Fig. 32&#x2013;33, arrows). Peritropisca also differs from Euchilofulvius by having the dorsum, head, and thoracic pleura covered with setae weakly broadened apically (Fig. 30), whereas setae in Euchilofulvius are strongly broadened toward apex (Figs. 25 &#x2013; 26, 29, 32). Redescription. Male. COLORATION (Figs. 1&#x2013;4). General dorsal coloration dark brown to blackish, with yellowish, dirty yellowish, reddish and brownish tinges. STRUCTURE, TEXTURE, AND VESTITURE (Figs. 1 &#x2013;4, 23&#x2013;24, 27&#x2013;28, 30, 33). Macropterous; body suboval; dorsal surface verrucose and shagreened, covered with moderately dense, reclining, scalelike setae weakly broadened apically (Fig. 30). Head. Verrucose, covered with setae similar to those present on dorsal surface but distributed more irregularly; eye removed from posterior margin of vertex; occipital carina absent; vertex with T-shaped shallow groove, composed of longitudinal, medial groove and transverse concaved region situated near posterior margin of vertex (Figs. 23&#x2013;24); antennal segment I cylindrical, covered with moderately dense, scalelike, reclining setae; segment II cylindrical or slightly thickened toward apex, covered with moderately dense, simple, almost reclining setae and with scalelike, reclining setae, vestiture on apical two thirds of segment II somewhat denser than on basal third; segments III and IV almost half as thick as segment II, covered with moderately dense, protruding, long setae; labium thin, with apex almost reaching metacoxae; labial segment I strongly subdivided medially, with apex slightly reaching beyond base of gula. Thorax. Pronotum. Trapezoidal; collar flattened, weakly separated from anterior margin of pronotum; anterior lobe with calli strongly convex and conelike, remainder of anterior lobe sloping toward lateral margin; posterior lobe with two well-developed mediolateral tubercles and medial, longitudinal keel; lateral margin with distinct, sharp carina along entire length; anterior and humeral angles pointed; posterior margin weakly sinuate (Figs. 1 &#x2013;2, 27&#x2013; 28). Mesoscutum and scutellum. Mesoscutum convex with relatively deep incision medially; scutellum convex medially (Figs. 1&#x2013;2). Thoracic pleura. Covered with setae similar to dorsal setiferation but more sparsely and irregularly distributed; proepimeron rugose; remaining pleura weakly verrucose; scent gland evaporative system strongly reduced to posterior margin of metepisternum (Fig. 33). Hemelytron. Dorsal surface with sculpturation based on very small tubercles forming very small, numerous rounded structures (Fig. 30); lateral margin somewhat rounded; costal fracture well developed; membrane glabrous with major cell well developed, rounded and minor FIGURES 1&#x2013;10. Dorsal habitus (1 &#x2013; 2, 5 &#x2013; 8) and lateral views (3 &#x2013; 4, 9 &#x2013; 10): 1, 3. Peritropisca bituberculata (&amp;male;); 2, 4. P. laticostata (holotype); 5 &#x2013; 10. Rewafulvius brachypterus (5, 9: &amp;male;, brachypterous, holotype; 6: &amp;female;, brachypterous; 7, 10: &amp;male;, macropterous; 8: &amp;female;, brachypterous. cell highly reduced (Figs. 1&#x2013;2). Legs. Covered with semirecumbent setae; tarsus two-segmented; tarsomere II not subdivided, about twice as long as tarsomere I; pretarsal claw with small, indistinct subapical tooth or not toothed subapically. Male genitalia. Aedeagus (Figs. 11, 17). Endosoma strongly membranous with strongly developed lobes situated mediobasally (ML) and apically of endosoma (AL); DSS widened apically, ending in serrate lobe attached to basal portion of medial lobe (ML). Left paramere (Figs. 12 &#x2013;15, 18&#x2013; 21). Hook shaped with more or less broadened paramere body, bearing bundle of sparse setae dorsally; apical process thin, perpendicular to paramere body. Right paramere (Figs. 16, 22). Paramere body relatively slender, nearly parallel-sided, with apical tubercle on inner surface of paramere body (AT); apical process shortened, thin, sharply pointed, perpendicular to paramere body. Distribution. Peritropisca is documented from the Morobe Province of Papua New Guinea. In this paper we extend the known range of this genus by providing a description of a new species P. laticostata sp. nov. from Irian Jaya, Indonesia. During this study we also found a single female specimen belonging to the genus representing a new species from Queensland, Australia. Nevertheless, we refrain from providing its description until male specimen is discovered. Remarks. The most distinctive character distinguishing Peritropisca from all other cylapine genera is the endosoma with the two distinct lobes, one situated near apex of DSS (ML) and the other apically of endosoma (AL) (Figs. 11, 17). The membranous endosoma with a single sclerotized, very often serrate lobe, situated near sclerotized portion of seminal duct inside of the endosoma and /or attached to it is common in Cylapinae, in particular in the genera currently placed in the tribe Fulviini sensu Gorczyca (2000) (e.g. Carvalho &amp; Costa 1994: Figs. 10, 18, 119; Wolski &amp; Henry 2012: Figs. 44, 48, 71; Wolski 2013: Figs. 23, 40, 45, 56), but no other Cylapinae so far examined have endosoma with two distinct lobes, arranged in similar way as in Peritropisca.</description><description>Published as part of Wolski, Andrzej &amp; Gorczyca, Jacek, 2014, Notes on the genera Peritropisca Carvalho &amp; Lorenzato and Rewafulvius Carvalho (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae: Cylapinae), with the description of a new species of Peritropisca from Indonesia, pp. 155-166 in Zootaxa 3753 (2) on pages 156-160, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3753.2.5,</description><identifier></identifier><identifier>10.5281/zenodo.6138992</identifier><identifier></identifier><relation>info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/url/</relation><relation>doi:10.11646/zootaxa.3753.2.5</relation><relation>url:</relation><relation>url:</relation><relation>doi:10.5281/zenodo.228112</relation><relation>doi:10.5281/zenodo.228111</relation><relation>url:</relation><relation>doi:10.5281/zenodo.6138991</relation><relation>url:</relation><rights>info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess</rights><rights></rights><source>Notes on the genera Peritropisca Carvalho &amp; Lorenzato and Rewafulvius Carvalho (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae: Cylapinae), with the description of a new species of Peritropisca from Indonesia, pp. 155-166 in Zootaxa 3753(2) 156-160</source><subject>Biodiversity</subject><subject>Taxonomy</subject><subject>Animalia</subject><subject>Arthropoda</subject><subject>Insecta</subject><subject>Hemiptera</subject><subject>Miridae</subject><subject>Peritropisca</subject><title>Peritropisca Carvalho &amp; Lorenzato 1978</title><type>Other:info:eu-repo/semantics/other</type><type>Other:publication-taxonomictreatment</type><recordID>6138992</recordID></dc>
format Other:info:eu-repo/semantics/other
author Wolski, Andrzej
Gorczyca, Jacek
title Peritropisca Carvalho & Lorenzato 1978
publishDate 2014
topic Biodiversity
contents Peritropisca Carvalho & Lorenzato, 1978 (Figures 1 –4, 11–24, 27–28, 30, 33) Peritropisca Carvalho & Lorenzato 1978: 129, 146 (gen. nov.); Carvalho & Froeschner 1987: 133 (list); Schuh 1995: 34 (catalog), 2002-2013 (online catalog); Gorczyca 2000: 49 (list), 2006: 64 (catalog). Type species: Peritropisca bituberculata Carvalho & Lorenzato, 1978 (original designation, by mistake as P. tuberculata). Diagnosis. Recognized by the following combination of characters: head, pronotum, and scutellum verrucose (Figs. 23 –24, 27– 28); vertex with T-shaped shallow furrow composed of longitudinal, medial groove and transverse groove situated near posterior margin of vertex (Figs. 23–24, arrows); pronotum with calli strongly developed and posterior lobe with two well-developed mediolateral tubercles and medial, longitudinal keel (Figs. 27–28, arrows); scent gland efferent system strongly reduced to posterior margin of metepisternum (Fig. 33, arrow); endosoma with strongly developed lobes: one situated basally (ML) and other apically of endosoma (AL) (Figs. 11, 17); DSS widened toward apex, ending in serrate lobe attached to basal portion of medial lobe (ML) (Figs. 11, 17). Peritropisca is most similar to Euchilofulvius in structure of head, pronotum, and scutellum being verrucose (Figs. 23–24) and vertex with a T-shaped shallow furrow (Figs. 23–24, arrows). Peritropisca differs from Euchilofulvius in hemelytron not narrowed basally and lateral margin of embolium missing tubercles basally (Figs. 1–2). In Euchilofulvius the hemelytron is always strongly narrowed basally and bears distinct tubercles at constricted portion (Fig. 29; see also Gorczyca 1998: Fig. 1). Peritropisca can be also separated from Euchilofulvius by scent gland efferent system being present, which is absent in Euchilofulvius (Fig. 32–33, arrows). Peritropisca also differs from Euchilofulvius by having the dorsum, head, and thoracic pleura covered with setae weakly broadened apically (Fig. 30), whereas setae in Euchilofulvius are strongly broadened toward apex (Figs. 25 – 26, 29, 32). Redescription. Male. COLORATION (Figs. 1–4). General dorsal coloration dark brown to blackish, with yellowish, dirty yellowish, reddish and brownish tinges. STRUCTURE, TEXTURE, AND VESTITURE (Figs. 1 –4, 23–24, 27–28, 30, 33). Macropterous; body suboval; dorsal surface verrucose and shagreened, covered with moderately dense, reclining, scalelike setae weakly broadened apically (Fig. 30). Head. Verrucose, covered with setae similar to those present on dorsal surface but distributed more irregularly; eye removed from posterior margin of vertex; occipital carina absent; vertex with T-shaped shallow groove, composed of longitudinal, medial groove and transverse concaved region situated near posterior margin of vertex (Figs. 23–24); antennal segment I cylindrical, covered with moderately dense, scalelike, reclining setae; segment II cylindrical or slightly thickened toward apex, covered with moderately dense, simple, almost reclining setae and with scalelike, reclining setae, vestiture on apical two thirds of segment II somewhat denser than on basal third; segments III and IV almost half as thick as segment II, covered with moderately dense, protruding, long setae; labium thin, with apex almost reaching metacoxae; labial segment I strongly subdivided medially, with apex slightly reaching beyond base of gula. Thorax. Pronotum. Trapezoidal; collar flattened, weakly separated from anterior margin of pronotum; anterior lobe with calli strongly convex and conelike, remainder of anterior lobe sloping toward lateral margin; posterior lobe with two well-developed mediolateral tubercles and medial, longitudinal keel; lateral margin with distinct, sharp carina along entire length; anterior and humeral angles pointed; posterior margin weakly sinuate (Figs. 1 –2, 27– 28). Mesoscutum and scutellum. Mesoscutum convex with relatively deep incision medially; scutellum convex medially (Figs. 1–2). Thoracic pleura. Covered with setae similar to dorsal setiferation but more sparsely and irregularly distributed; proepimeron rugose; remaining pleura weakly verrucose; scent gland evaporative system strongly reduced to posterior margin of metepisternum (Fig. 33). Hemelytron. Dorsal surface with sculpturation based on very small tubercles forming very small, numerous rounded structures (Fig. 30); lateral margin somewhat rounded; costal fracture well developed; membrane glabrous with major cell well developed, rounded and minor FIGURES 1–10. Dorsal habitus (1 – 2, 5 – 8) and lateral views (3 – 4, 9 – 10): 1, 3. Peritropisca bituberculata (&male;); 2, 4. P. laticostata (holotype); 5 – 10. Rewafulvius brachypterus (5, 9: &male;, brachypterous, holotype; 6: &female;, brachypterous; 7, 10: &male;, macropterous; 8: &female;, brachypterous. cell highly reduced (Figs. 1–2). Legs. Covered with semirecumbent setae; tarsus two-segmented; tarsomere II not subdivided, about twice as long as tarsomere I; pretarsal claw with small, indistinct subapical tooth or not toothed subapically. Male genitalia. Aedeagus (Figs. 11, 17). Endosoma strongly membranous with strongly developed lobes situated mediobasally (ML) and apically of endosoma (AL); DSS widened apically, ending in serrate lobe attached to basal portion of medial lobe (ML). Left paramere (Figs. 12 –15, 18– 21). Hook shaped with more or less broadened paramere body, bearing bundle of sparse setae dorsally; apical process thin, perpendicular to paramere body. Right paramere (Figs. 16, 22). Paramere body relatively slender, nearly parallel-sided, with apical tubercle on inner surface of paramere body (AT); apical process shortened, thin, sharply pointed, perpendicular to paramere body. Distribution. Peritropisca is documented from the Morobe Province of Papua New Guinea. In this paper we extend the known range of this genus by providing a description of a new species P. laticostata sp. nov. from Irian Jaya, Indonesia. During this study we also found a single female specimen belonging to the genus representing a new species from Queensland, Australia. Nevertheless, we refrain from providing its description until male specimen is discovered. Remarks. The most distinctive character distinguishing Peritropisca from all other cylapine genera is the endosoma with the two distinct lobes, one situated near apex of DSS (ML) and the other apically of endosoma (AL) (Figs. 11, 17). The membranous endosoma with a single sclerotized, very often serrate lobe, situated near sclerotized portion of seminal duct inside of the endosoma and /or attached to it is common in Cylapinae, in particular in the genera currently placed in the tribe Fulviini sensu Gorczyca (2000) (e.g. Carvalho & Costa 1994: Figs. 10, 18, 119; Wolski & Henry 2012: Figs. 44, 48, 71; Wolski 2013: Figs. 23, 40, 45, 56), but no other Cylapinae so far examined have endosoma with two distinct lobes, arranged in similar way as in Peritropisca.
Published as part of Wolski, Andrzej & Gorczyca, Jacek, 2014, Notes on the genera Peritropisca Carvalho & Lorenzato and Rewafulvius Carvalho (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae: Cylapinae), with the description of a new species of Peritropisca from Indonesia, pp. 155-166 in Zootaxa 3753 (2) on pages 156-160, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3753.2.5,
id IOS16997.6138992
institution ZAIN Publications
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repoId IOS16997
first_indexed 2022-06-06T03:38:25Z
last_indexed 2022-06-06T03:38:25Z
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