Penthicodes pulchella Guerin-Meneville 1838

Main Author: Constant, Jerome
Format: info publication-taxonomictreatment Journal
Terbitan: , 2010
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  • Penthicodes pulchella (Guérin-Méneville, 1838) Figs. 8 A–E, 19 A–D, 26. Aphaena pulchella Guérin-Méneville, 1838: 186. Aphaena confuscius White, 1846: 24; synonymised by Stål, 1862: 485. Aphaena io Walker, 1851: 279; synonymised by Stål, 1862: 485. Aphaena nigroirrorata Stål, 1854: 244; synonymised by Stål, 1862: 485. Penthicodes pulchella (Guérin-Méneville, 1838): Distant, 1918: 198. Penthicodes wachsi Schmidt, 1930: 115; synonymised by Nagai & Porion, 1996: 21. Diagnostic characters: (1) tegmina with white patch along sutural margin on nodal line of cross-veins (Fig. 8 A); (2) legs I and II dark brown with pale yellow rings (Fig. 8 E); (3) tegmina marked with numerous small black-brown spots, some of them v-shaped on veins (Fig. 8 A); (4) disc of hind wings orange with base red, rarely completely orange-red, with 6–15 black spots in 3 rows and 4 (3–5) small white spots (Fig. 8 A); (5) abdominal tergites red (Fig. 8 A). LT ɞ (n = 8): 20.2 mm (19.4 – 20.8); Ψ (n = 3): 21.4 mm (20.3 – 22.3). Wingspan Ψ (n = 4): 44.1 mm (42.1 – 46.3). Male genitalia: anal tube elongate, about 1.5 time longer than borad, broader basally in dorsal view (Figs. 19 A), and slightly sinuate in dorsal and lateral views (Figs. 19 A, C); pygofer not showing hump, with hind margin subregularly rounded in lateral view (Fig. 1 A); gonostyli rounded posteriorly in lateral view (Fig. 1 A); contiguous in postero-ventral view, spliting near apex and with teeth projecting latero-ventrad in posteroventral view (Fig. 1 D). Distribution (Fig. 26): Andaman Islands**, Cambodia *, China, India, Indonesia: Java, Sumatra*, Myanmar *, Taiwan *, Thailand, Vietnam (* = new data; ** = no specimen examined in this study). Typical material examined: Holotype of Aphaena nigroirrorata labeled: [China] [nigroirrorata Stål] [Typus] [Io Walk. = confucius White (B.M.)] [1 58] [NHRS-HEMI 000000049]. Type Ψ of Penthicodes wachsi (examined on photo) labeled: [Fr. A. Th. H. Verbeek, Aglebock, No.] [Java, 24.3. 1927, Res. Rembang, 40 M] [* wachsi Schmidt, 1930] [Penthicodes wachsi Schmidt Ψ, Edm. Schmidt determ. 1930] [Typus] [Mus. Zool. Polonicum Warszawa, 12 / 45] [Mus. Zool. Polonicum Warszawa Typus n. 1218, Penthicodes wachsi Schmidt, 1930, Syntypus] (ZMPA) coordinates of Rembang: 6 ° 42 'S 111 ° 20 'E. Material examined: 1 Ψ: Himalaya (ZMUC). Cambodia: 1 Ψ: Angkor Thom, Siem Reap prov., 25– 27.ii. 2005, D. Jump (RBINS) coordinates: 13 ° 27 'N 103 ° 52 'E; 1 ɞ: Phnom Kulen N.P., Kbal Spean, 24.vii. 2004, P. Grootaert (RBINS) coordinates: 13 ° 41 'N 104 °00'E. India: 2 Ψ: Assam (ZMUC) coordinates: 25 ° 34 'N 91 ° 53 'E. Indonesia: Java : 1 ɞ: Semarang, Teak forest, 1.iii. 1931, L.G.E. Kalshoven (RMNH) coordinates: 6 ° 58 'S 110 ° 25 'E; 1 Ψ: idem, 27.ii. 1931 (RMNH); 1 ɞ: W Java, Toegoe (= Tugu), ex coll. Oberthur, 1902 (RBINS) 6 °07'S 106 ° 55 'E; 1 ɞ, 2 Ψ (FSAG); 1 ɞ, 1 Ψ: xii. 1935, Preariger, Regenschofren (FSAG); 1 ɞ: Soekaboemi (= Sukabumi) (FSAG) coordinates: 6 ° 55 'S 106 ° 56 'E; 1 Ψ: Java, West, Palaboehan Ratoe (= Pelabuhanratu), vi. 1908, E. Cordier, coll. C, Tessé de Béarn Croisière du "Nirvana" (MNHN) coordinates: 6 ° 59 'S 106 ° 33 'E. Sumatra: 4 ɞ: W Sumatra, Moeara Tenam Benkoelen (= Bengkulu), 1200m, Le Moult (FSAG) coordinates: 3 ° 48 'S 102 ° 16 'E. Myanmar: 1 ɞ: Rangoon, Churchill Road, F.J. Meggitt (RBINS) coordinates: 16 ° 47 'N 96 ° 10 'E. Thailand: 1 Ψ: 14 mi S of Ban Muang Pon, 23.xi. 1978, E.S. Ross (CAS) coordinates: 18 ° 47 'N 97 ° 54 'E; 2 ɞ, 1 Ψ: 7km NW of Fang, Horticultural Experimental Station, 30.x– 2.xi. 1979, Zool mus Copenhagen Exp (ZMUC) coordinates: 19 ° 55 'N 99 ° 13 'E; 2 ɞ: Doi Suthep-Pui NP, Konthathan waterfall area, 600m, 20–27.x. 1979, Zool mus Copenhagen Exp (ZMUC) coordinates: 18 ° 48 'N 98 ° 55 'E. Vietnam: 1 Ψ: Cochinchina, Tayninh, 1923 (FSAG) coordinates: 11 ° 18 'N 106 °06'E; 1 Ψ: Tonkin: Bavi, 16.iv. 1936, Le Moult (FSAG) coordinates: 21 °05'N 105 ° 23 'E; 1 ɞ: Tonkin, region Hoa Binh, 1934, A. De Cooman (MNHN) coordinates: 20 ° 50 'N 105 ° 20 'E. Additional data: MHNL [specimens examined on photographs transmitted by H. Labrique, data compiled by C. Audibert]: India: 1 ex: Kotarigi, TN, 27–29.x. 1997, leg. Werner, coll. T. Porion coordinates: 11 ° 26 ’N 76 ° 53 ’E. Thailand: 3 ex.: Chiang Mai, v. 1990, coll. T. Porion coordinates: 18 ° 47 'N 98 ° 59 'E; 1 ex: Wang Chin Pae, x. 1991, coll T. Porion coordinates: 17 ° 53 ’N 99 ° 37 ’E. IEBR [data sent by H.T. Pham]: Vietnam: Thái Nguyên (Đồng Hỉ) coordinates: 21 ° 40 ’N 105 ° 55 ’E. Data compliled by A. Wessel and S. Seidel: Taiwan: 1 ex: Formosa, Alikang, 1909, H.Sauter (SMTD) coordinates not found. Indonesia: Java: 1 ɞ: Java, det.V. Lallemand (DEI). Vietnam: 1 ex.: Tonkin, Lang Nac, viii. 1917, Jeanvoine (SMTD) coordinates: 21 ° 13 'N 106 ° 50 'E; 1 ex.: Tonkin, Tien Yen, ix. 1917, Jeanvoine (SMTD) coordinates: 21 ° 19 'N 106 ° 55 'E.
  • Published as part of Constant, Jerome, 2010, The lanternfly genus Penthicodes: key to the species and review of the " Ereosoma group " with two new species and one new subspecies (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Fulgoridae), pp. 1-26 in Zootaxa 2523 on pages 14-15, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.196336