Figure 4 from: Vallotto D, Bresseel J, Heitzmann T, Gottardo M (2016) A black-and-red stick insect from the Philippines – observations on the external anatomy and natural history of a new species of Orthomeria. ZooKeys 559: 35-57.

Main Authors: Vallotto, Davide, Bresseel, Joachim, Heitzmann, Thierry, Gottardo, Marco
Format: info Image Journal
Terbitan: , 2016
Online Access:
Daftar Isi:
  • Figure 4 - Orthomeria (Orthomeria) kangi sp. n. ♂ head and pro- and mesothorax A dorsal view B ventra view; Af, antennal field; Bs1-Bs2, pro- and mesothoracic basisterna; Ce, compound eye; Cx, coxa; Eps, episternum; Ff, fore femur; Fs1-Fs2, pro- and mesothoracic furcasternites; Fu2, mesothoracic furca; Gl, glossa; Lb, labrum; Pd, pedicellus; Pgl, paraglossa; Plb, labial palpus; Pmx, maxillary palpus; PrNo, pronotum; Prx, precoxale; Sc, scapus; Tg, tegmina; Tr, trochanter; Arrow, frontal convexity.