Analisis implementasi kebijakan penanganan imigran ilegal untuk menangani pencari suaka dan pengungsi di Indonesia = the analysis implementation on the implementation of handling of illegal immigrants for handling finder asylum and refugees in Indonesia

Main Authors: Catur Susaningsih, author, Add author: Iman Santoso, supervisor, Add author: Chandra Wijaya, examiner, Add author: Wan Usman, examiner
Format: Masters Bachelors
Terbitan: , 2011
Online Access:
ctrlnum 20339570
fullrecord <?xml version="1.0"?> <dc schemaLocation=""><type>Thesis:Masters</type><title>Analisis implementasi kebijakan penanganan imigran ilegal untuk menangani pencari suaka dan pengungsi di Indonesia = the analysis implementation on the implementation of handling of illegal immigrants for handling finder asylum and refugees in Indonesia</title><creator>Catur Susaningsih, author</creator><creator>Add author: Iman Santoso, supervisor</creator><creator>Add author: Chandra Wijaya, examiner</creator><creator>Add author: Wan Usman, examiner</creator><publisher/><date>2011</date><subject>Immigrants</subject><description>[&lt;b&gt;ABSTRAK&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt; Penelitian ini berfokus pada fenomena keberadaan Imigran Ilegal di Indonesia dalam hal telah memiiiki ?atteslation le!!er? dari UNHCR statusnya sebagai reiiigae dalam hal Penanganan Pencari Suaka dan Pengungsi di Indonesia ditinjao dari Peraturan Direlctur Jendcral Imigrasi Nomor IMI-1489.UM.08.05 tahun 2010 tentang Penanganan Imigran Ilegal dan Surat Edaran Direktur Jenderal Imigrasi Nomor IMI- 15o4.1L.oz_1o tahun 2010 ranggm 21 sepmmber 2010 tentang pelaksanaan Penanganan Imigran Ilcgal. &lt;hr&gt; Teori Edward III tentang implementasi kebijakan dan evaluasi analisis dalam rangka mencari solusi dengan menggunakan teori SWOT yang digunakan untuk meneliti persoalan tersebut. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatiii dan mctode yang digunakan adalah studi pustaka disamping wawancara. &lt;hr&gt; Dari analisis terhadap data dan hasil wawancara, disimpulkan bahwa meningkatkan komunikasi dan informasi untuk menyampaikan kebijakan kepada seluruh jajaran imigmsi di seluruh Indonesia serta rnenjialin kerjasama yang lebih baik dengan instansi pemerintah terkajt penanganan pcncari suaka dan pengimgsi di Indonesia dan organisasi internasional lebih tegas dan beiwibawa, serta mcmbuat SOP di tingk&#xE9;t pirnpinan di Ditjenlmigrasi, sehingga terdapat keseragaman standar dalarn melaksanakan implementasi kebnakan di seluruh jajaran imigrasi di seluruh Indonwia. &lt;hr&gt; &lt;b&gt;ABSTRACT&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt; This study focuses on the phenomenon of the existence of Illegal Immigrants in Indonesia in terms of already having "artestation letter" from the UNHCR?s status as a refugee in terms of handling asylum seekers and refugees in Indonesia in tenns of the Director General of Immigration Regulation No. IMI-l489.UM.08.05 in 2010 on the Handling Illegal Immigrants and Immigration Director-General Circular No. 2010 IMI-1S04.lL.O2.lO dated September 21, 2010 concerning the implementation of Illegal Immigrants handlers. &lt;hr&gt; Theory Edward III on the implementation of policy and evaluation analysis in order to find solutions by using the SWOT theory used to examinethe issue. 'I'his study is qualitative, and the methods used are literature study as well as interviews. &lt;hr&gt; From the analysis of the data and interviews, concluded that improving communication and information to convey to all ranks of immigration policy throughout Indonesia and establish better cooperation with related govemment agencies handling of asylum seekers and refugees in Indonesia and international organizations more assertive and authoritative, and create SOP at senior levels in Ditjcn. Imigrasi, so there is uniformity of standards in implementing the policy implementation at all levels of immigration across Indonesia. , This study focuses on the phenomenon of the existence of Illegal Immigrants in Indonesia in terms of already having "artestation letter" from the UNHCR&#x2018;s status as a refugee in terms of handling asylum seekers and refugees in Indonesia in tenns of the Director General of Immigration Regulation No. IMI-l489.UM.08.05 in 2010 on the Handling Illegal Immigrants and Immigration Director-General Circular No. 2010 IMI-1S04.lL.O2.lO dated September 21, 2010 concerning the implementation of Illegal Immigrants handlers. Theory Edward III on the implementation of policy and evaluation analysis in order to find solutions by using the SWOT theory used to examinethe issue. 'I'his study is qualitative, and the methods used are literature study as well as interviews. From the analysis of the data and interviews, concluded that improving communication and information to convey to all ranks of immigration policy throughout Indonesia and establish better cooperation with related govemment agencies handling of asylum seekers and refugees in Indonesia and international organizations more assertive and authoritative, and create SOP at senior levels in Ditjcn. Imigrasi, so there is uniformity of standards in implementing the policy implementation at all levels of immigration across Indonesia. ]</description><identifier></identifier><recordID>20339570</recordID></dc>
format Thesis:Masters
author Catur Susaningsih, author
Add author: Iman Santoso, supervisor
Add author: Chandra Wijaya, examiner
Add author: Wan Usman, examiner
title Analisis implementasi kebijakan penanganan imigran ilegal untuk menangani pencari suaka dan pengungsi di Indonesia = the analysis implementation on the implementation of handling of illegal immigrants for handling finder asylum and refugees in Indonesia
publishDate 2011
topic Immigrants
contents [<b>ABSTRAK</b><br> Penelitian ini berfokus pada fenomena keberadaan Imigran Ilegal di Indonesia dalam hal telah memiiiki ?atteslation le!!er? dari UNHCR statusnya sebagai reiiigae dalam hal Penanganan Pencari Suaka dan Pengungsi di Indonesia ditinjao dari Peraturan Direlctur Jendcral Imigrasi Nomor IMI-1489.UM.08.05 tahun 2010 tentang Penanganan Imigran Ilegal dan Surat Edaran Direktur Jenderal Imigrasi Nomor IMI- 15o4.1L.oz_1o tahun 2010 ranggm 21 sepmmber 2010 tentang pelaksanaan Penanganan Imigran Ilcgal. <hr> Teori Edward III tentang implementasi kebijakan dan evaluasi analisis dalam rangka mencari solusi dengan menggunakan teori SWOT yang digunakan untuk meneliti persoalan tersebut. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatiii dan mctode yang digunakan adalah studi pustaka disamping wawancara. <hr> Dari analisis terhadap data dan hasil wawancara, disimpulkan bahwa meningkatkan komunikasi dan informasi untuk menyampaikan kebijakan kepada seluruh jajaran imigmsi di seluruh Indonesia serta rnenjialin kerjasama yang lebih baik dengan instansi pemerintah terkajt penanganan pcncari suaka dan pengimgsi di Indonesia dan organisasi internasional lebih tegas dan beiwibawa, serta mcmbuat SOP di tingkét pirnpinan di Ditjenlmigrasi, sehingga terdapat keseragaman standar dalarn melaksanakan implementasi kebnakan di seluruh jajaran imigrasi di seluruh Indonwia. <hr> <b>ABSTRACT</b><br> This study focuses on the phenomenon of the existence of Illegal Immigrants in Indonesia in terms of already having "artestation letter" from the UNHCR?s status as a refugee in terms of handling asylum seekers and refugees in Indonesia in tenns of the Director General of Immigration Regulation No. IMI-l489.UM.08.05 in 2010 on the Handling Illegal Immigrants and Immigration Director-General Circular No. 2010 IMI-1S04.lL.O2.lO dated September 21, 2010 concerning the implementation of Illegal Immigrants handlers. <hr> Theory Edward III on the implementation of policy and evaluation analysis in order to find solutions by using the SWOT theory used to examinethe issue. 'I'his study is qualitative, and the methods used are literature study as well as interviews. <hr> From the analysis of the data and interviews, concluded that improving communication and information to convey to all ranks of immigration policy throughout Indonesia and establish better cooperation with related govemment agencies handling of asylum seekers and refugees in Indonesia and international organizations more assertive and authoritative, and create SOP at senior levels in Ditjcn. Imigrasi, so there is uniformity of standards in implementing the policy implementation at all levels of immigration across Indonesia. , This study focuses on the phenomenon of the existence of Illegal Immigrants in Indonesia in terms of already having "artestation letter" from the UNHCR‘s status as a refugee in terms of handling asylum seekers and refugees in Indonesia in tenns of the Director General of Immigration Regulation No. IMI-l489.UM.08.05 in 2010 on the Handling Illegal Immigrants and Immigration Director-General Circular No. 2010 IMI-1S04.lL.O2.lO dated September 21, 2010 concerning the implementation of Illegal Immigrants handlers. Theory Edward III on the implementation of policy and evaluation analysis in order to find solutions by using the SWOT theory used to examinethe issue. 'I'his study is qualitative, and the methods used are literature study as well as interviews. From the analysis of the data and interviews, concluded that improving communication and information to convey to all ranks of immigration policy throughout Indonesia and establish better cooperation with related govemment agencies handling of asylum seekers and refugees in Indonesia and international organizations more assertive and authoritative, and create SOP at senior levels in Ditjcn. Imigrasi, so there is uniformity of standards in implementing the policy implementation at all levels of immigration across Indonesia. ]
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