Kekuatan Mengikat Dokumen Wipo Tentang Kekayaan Intelektual Dan Sumber Daya Genetik, Pengetahuan Tradisional Dan Ekspresi Budaya Tradisional Berdasarkan Hukum Intemasional

Main Author: Davina Oktivana, Laina Rafianti &
Format: Article eJournal
Bahasa: eng
Terbitan: [ 34 ] LEGAL REVIEW , 2012
Online Access:
Daftar Isi:
  • World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) in this present time is conducting negotiation process on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge, and Folklore (GRTKF). In this negotiaton sessions, it agreed that the draft resulted from GRTKF negotiation is 'international legal instrument'. The problem from this issue is whether the document, with 'international legal instrument' nomeclature, would be legally binding in respect of international law. It is concluded from this research that the WIPO documents about IP and GRTKF is not legally binding under International Treaty law. However, the documents could be a guide as softlaw. In national law legislation drafting, the documents could be guidence for drafting national law legislation in IP and GRTKF matter. Moreover Indonesian government should take apart as active member in the WIPO, Intergovernmental Committee on IP and GRTKF forum and make national sui generis legislation for GRTKF issue, in aiming WIPO documents of IP and GRTKF to be a legally binding instrument. Key words: WIPO, Softlaw, lnternational Legal Instrument