Evaluasi Pembelajaran Pos PAUD Putra Pertiwi Rejosari, Kelurahan Gilingan, Kecamatan Banjarsari, Surakarta

Main Author: Nugrahani, Ruth Heradityas; Ruth Heradityas Nugrahani. EVALUATION OF LEARNING POS EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION PUTRA PERTIWI REJOSARI, VILLAGE GILINGAN, DISTRICT BANJARSARI, SURAKARTA. Thesis. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University Eleven March Surakarta. April 2014. The purpose of this study was to determine the mechanism of admission of students in early childhood education Putra Pertiwi, knowing the implementation of learning in early childhood education, and to determine the impact that occurs on the learner from the learning that has been done in early childhood Putra Pertiwi Rejosari Post, Surakarta. In this research the analysis was done using a model of Context, Input, Process, Product (CIPP). This research used a qualitative evaluation methods. The subjects were sub-district superintendent of Early Childhood Education UPTD Banjarsari, Early Childhood Education managers, educators, parents, and learners in Early Childhood Education Putra Pertiwi. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and literature. Analysis of the data using three main components namely data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing or verification. Based on the research findings and discussion of the data showed that learning in Early Childhood Education Putra Pertiwi already done as expected. This is reduced from the findings that, the mechanism of registration of new learners without a test and financing economic assessed by parents. In lessons, educators become facilitators of learning-based child student center so that learners acquire a wide range of facilities in the context of building her abilities. Learning to focus on the process not the result or achievement of a minimum limit. The impact of learning according to humanistic education is to learn the whole person can be seen through the activities carried out by activating all aspects owned learners. Aspects include aspects of moral and religious values, cognitive, motoric, language, social and emotional. Conclusions from this research, that: Early Childhood Education already answered childhood needs with self concept building. It happen in simple registration mechanism and flexible so that it can be reached by a wide audience, economical financing, and facilities are also inadequate. It also can answer the fulfillment of the needs in the context of early childhood education. Implementation of student-based learning center has been stimulating the desire to know and not feel burdened learners so that learners learn freely and showed a positive response. Learning to focus on the process not the result or achievement of a minimum limit. The impact of learning on all aspects of show development and in accordance with the children needs and parental expectations. Keywords : evaluation, early childhood education, humanistic education, CIPP model analysis.
Format: Article info application/pdf eJournal
Bahasa: ind
Terbitan: SOSIALITAS: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Sosiologi Antropologi , 2014
Online Access: http://jurnal.fkip.uns.ac.id/index.php/sosant/article/view/3684




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