Daftar Isi:
  • This research tries to examine whether gender have some impacts to investment decision and women choose less risky investment than men. It considers investment decision as dependent variable and gender as independent variable. The main data collection strategy for this research was through distributing questionnaire. A total of one hundred and forty five questionnaires are distributed across some securities market in Yogyakarta. The analysis tool which is used in this research is Minitab 14 software to generate the multiple regressions and calculate R2, one sample t-test, paired sample t-test, and p-test. This study finds that there is overwhelming evidence to infer that a linear relationship exists between investment decision and gender. Gender is an effective differentiating and classifying factor in investment. It also finds that women and men have differences towards investment. Actually, both men and women classified as moderate investor. But, from the questionnaire mean, women are more risk averse than men. It concludes that women choose less risky investment than men.