Pemanfaatan Website E-commerce untuk Penjualan Produk UMKM pada Klaster Konveksi dan Bordir di Kabupaten Kudus

Main Authors: Nurkamid, Mukhamad, Gunawan, Budi, Jazuli, Ahmad
Format: Book PeerReviewed application/pdf
Terbitan: FMIPA - UNNES , 2013
Online Access:
Daftar Isi:
  • Along with the development of information technology is growing rapidly, almost in all areas has been done with the internet technology. Diversity and abundance of information generated makes this technology a lot in interest. Web into a technology that has been chosen because the information is presented can be managed easily and comprehensively. The writing of this study ,r one of today,s web technology implementation for sale on UMKM convection and embroidery in Kudus Regency in order to expand the network marketing using e - commerce website. E-commerce websites in principle is a technology that enables the buyers and sellers to transact online using the internet.Kudus chosen as an object (domain) of technology development , because a lot of effort in the Kudus city growing rapidly , one af which is convection and embroidery centers located in the village padurenan. In the process of production and business management of UMKM still use the conventional system, so that the existence mof the business would be threatened if not anticipated by the application of technology. One application of the technology is an information technologly, e - comilterce for marketing and selling products of UMKM.