Entrepreneurship education practice for womens empowerment at Kanigoro Pagelaran Malang: Reflection report handmade participatory action research

Main Author: Bashith, Abdul
Format: Proceeding PeerReviewed Book
Bahasa: eng
Terbitan: , 2015
Online Access: http://repository.uin-malang.ac.id/79/1/Abdul_Bashith.pdf
Daftar Isi:
  • To support changes in economic conditions of women in rural areas, particularly at districts of Kanigoro Pagelaran Malang regency, the method purposively used in this research was the Participatory Action Research (PAR). This method was employed not to make public assistance as an object, but purposively selected them as research subjects. Researchers performed as facilitator for the community to achieve their expectation and gave the formulation of strategies that can be used to overcome the social phenomena.\Obstacles faced in this PAR research encompass the difficulties of coordination with local authorities, the difficulty of obtaining material sequins and sequins swarosvky sow seeds, as well as venture capital and opportunities for cooperation. Researchers functioned problem-solving strategies include: (1) maximizing the use of mobile phone for communication and optimizing the role and function as a coordinator during PAR research (2) bridging to the informant who were also an entrepreneur (3) helping to build a network with interested parties. In addition, researchers communicated with the community leaders so that skillful mothers are able to obtain capital from organizations in the community or other institutions. Changes and the results can be known from the happy and cheerful mothers with entrepreneurial training. More clearly the results of mentoring/changes that occur as follows: (1) the increase of the entrepreneurship understanding, (2) the broad insight of the opportunities and confidence in the creativity and effort to find the latest information, (3) the spirit of productive creative way, ( 4) the spirit of productive with very little capital (5) the wider opportunity to open insight into sales and marketing concept (6) The enhancement of the open insight that competition is not only in the form of product and sales, but also the competition with models in the concept of marketing services. Recommendations of this research exemplify: (1) it is expected the government to give attention to mothers through coaching to build small and medium enterprises, (2) public facilities were adequate to help mothers find it difficult to obtain basic commodities that are cheap to continue these efforts, (3) the sustainability of other training skills from other institutions that are highly waited by the public, especially mothers in Kanigoro Pagelaran so that they do not miss the information about the development of market demand mode.