ANALISIS PENDAPATAN INDUSTRI RUMAH TANGGA SATE AYAM PONOROGO (Studi Pedagang Sate di Gang Sate Kelurahan Nologaten Kecamatan Ponorogo Kabupaten Ponorogo)

Main Author: Abidin, Demas Candra
Format: Thesis NonPeerReviewed Book
Bahasa: eng
Terbitan: , 2018
Online Access:
Daftar Isi:
  • The purpose of this study is 1) To determine the amount of income of satay traders in Gang Sate, Nologaten Village, Ponorogo District, Ponorogo Regency. 2) To determine the effect of education, hours of business operations, length of business influence the income of satay traders in Gang Sate, Nologaten Village, Ponorogo District, Ponorogo Regency. This type of research is quantitative research. The population is the satay traders in Gang Sate, Nologaten Village, Ponorogo District, Ponorogo Regency, and the samples in this study are all populations. Data analysis techniques that have been carried out are using multiple linear regression analysis with F test and t test. Based on the results of research and discussion that has been done, it can be concluded that the income of satay traders in Gang Sate, Nologaten Village, Ponorogo District, Ponorogo District, that 77.14% has a daily income of> Rp. 1,000,000, -. From the results of the income obtained it is known that the highest amount is Rp.1,944,500, - while the lowest amount is Rp.475,000, - with an average value of Rp. 1,280,614,29. The results of data analysis also showed that there was a significant influence between education, business operating hours, length of effort on the income of satay traders in Gang Sate, Nologaten Village, Ponorogo District, Ponorogo Regency.