Main Author: SUSANTO , 1426061012
Format: Masters NonPeerReviewed Book Report
Terbitan: , 2019
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  • Uang Kuliah Tunggal merupakan kebijakan pemerintah yang dituangkan dalam Permenristekdikti Nomor 39 Tahun 2017. Uang kuliah ditetapkan berdasarkan kemampuan ekonomi orangtua mahasiswa atau pihak lain yang membiayai. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengunakan teori Edward III dengan mengfokuskan penelitian dari aspek komunikasi, sumber daya, struktur birokrasi dan dimensi disposisi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dalam aspek komunikasi, implementasi kebijakan Uang Kuliah Tunggal (UKT) pada Unila telah mengunakan media transmisi website, aplikasi sidakma, aplikasi ukt, aplikasi simanila, layanan sort messege center, dan pusat telepon (call center), walaupun masih terdapat mahasiswa yang tidak mengakses media transmisi tersebut. Aspek sumber daya sangat baik dan memadai, walaupun secara kemampuan masih belum merata dan masih terdapat perbedaan range point antara fakultas kedokteran dengan fakultas lainnya. Sedangkan pada aspek struktur birokrasi, pelaksanaan tugas implementator berpedoman kepada rincian tugas dan Standar Operating Prosedur (SOP), panduan registrasi mahasiswa baru, dan panduan pengisian data pokok mahasiswa Unila. Sedangkan dalam aspek disposisi, persentase mahasiswa yang membayar Uang Kuliah Tunggal (UKT) yang telah ditetapkan diatas 90%, implementator berbasis unit kerja dan diberikan insentif imbal jasa kerja, tetapi Unila belum dimiliki modul (standar baku) untuk petugas wawancara, sehingga pertimbangan atas hasil keputusan banding masih berupa subjektifitas pribadi. Kata kunci : Uang Kuliah Tunggal, Implementasi Kebijakan, UKT. ABSTRACT Single education money is a government policy as outlined in Permenristekdikti Number 39 of 2017. Tuition fees are determined based on the economic ability of parents of students or other parties who finance. The study was conducted using the theory of Edward III by focusing research on aspects of communication, resources, bureaucratic structure and disposition dimensions. Based on the results of research in the aspect of communication, the implementation of the Single education money policy on Unila has used website transmission media, application sidakma, application ukt, simanila applications, sort messege center services, and call centers, although there are still students who do not access the transmission media . The resource aspect is very good and adequate, although the ability is still not evenly distributed and there are still differences in range points between medical faculties and other faculties. Whereas in the aspect of bureaucratic structure, the implementation of the duties of the implementer is guided by the details of duties and the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), new student registration guidelines, and guidance on filling in the basic data of Unila students. Whereas in the disposition aspect, the percentage of students who pay Single Education Money that have been set above 90%, implementers are based on work units and are provided with employment service incentives, but Unila does not yet have a module (standard) for interview officers, so consideration of the results of appeal decisions is still subjective personal. Keywords: Single Tuition, Policy Implementation.