Penentuan subclasses berdasarkan tipe pesawat

Main Authors: Charles, AN; STMT Trisakti, Sartika, Nadya
Format: Article info application/pdf Journal
Bahasa: eng
Terbitan: STMT Trisakti , 2014
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  • Based on Break Event Point (BEP) in this article, the most effective plane is Boeing 737-800 used by Sriwijaya Air which has the route from Jakarta to Makassar. The ticket price is ranging. The ticket for the upper class is Rp 1.650.769,- while the lower class is Rp 608.333,- For middle class ticket, the price is Rp 850.000,- The total revenue for a one time flight from Jakarta to Makassar is Rp 211.609.327,- The researcher concludes that Sriwijaya Air with its Boeing 737-800 although offers a reasonable price for the route Jakarta-Makassar still gains high income. Keywords : subclasses, effective plane