Resiliensi Wanita Dewasa Madya Penderita Kanker Payudara Pasca Menjalani Masektomi

Main Author: Indriyani, Cindy
Format: Thesis NonPeerReviewed Book
Bahasa: eng
Terbitan: , 2010
Online Access:
Daftar Isi:
  • The purpose of this research is to det ermine resilience in middle adulthood women with breast cancer post mastectomy. Resilience is the capacity of someone who is faced with situations that are vulnerable to stress and then managed to overcome even able to live better. Breast cancer is one type of chronic diseases that threaten especially for women and is the second largest cause of death. Collecting data in this research using the interview method, namely in-depth interview that included five middle adulthood women in the span of four months from February 28, 2010 until June 16, 2010. This research conclude that each subject has the ability of different resilience. This is influenced by factors supporting resilience exist in each subject, such as positive thinking, spiritual faith, the support of husband, child support, family support, and support environment. In addition, each subject also has a different ability to be individuals who are resilient, such as the ability of emotional regulation, impulse control, optimistic, causal analysis, self efficacy, empathy, and reaching out.