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fullrecord <?xml version="1.0"?> <dc schemaLocation="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc/ http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc.xsd"><relation>http://repository.uib.ac.id/1824/</relation><title>Perancangan dan Implementasi Sistem Inventory Alat Tulis Kantor pada Biro BAUK UIB Berbasis Web dengan Metode SDLC</title><creator>Wantono, Jimmy</creator><subject>Information technology</subject><description>Dirancangnya sistem inventory ATK berbasis web memiliki tujuan untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang sedang dihadapi oleh biro BAUK UIB dimana perlunya suatu sistem baru untuk menggantikan sistem manual pencatatan data stok produk. Metode SDLC Waterfall merupakan metode yang digunakan dalam pengembangan sistem dalam penelitian ini. Dengan adanya sistem inventory ATK akan meningkatkan kelengkapan dan akurasi data yang disimpan serta akan mempercepat proses kerja permintaan barang.&#xD; Tahapan perancangan dan implementasi serta penyusunan penulisan laporan dilaksanakan dari bulan September 2018 hingga bulan Januari 2019. Aplikasi ini dirancang menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP, Javascript, HTML dan CSS serta dibantu dengan framework Laravel dan Bootstrap.&#xD; Hasil yang didapatkan dari penerapan sistem inventory ATK yaitu meningkatnya akurasi data stok barang dan kecepatan proses permintaan barang oleh biro-biro kepada biro BAUK serta dapat memudahkan biro BAUK dalam melaksanakan proses pendataan jumlah stok dan pendataan permintaan barang. Hasil lain yang didapatkan berupa laporan fisik yang berisi informasi berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data stok barang. Kemudian laporan fisik tersebut dapat disimpan dan digunakan sebagai backup data. ********************************************************************** The purpose of designing web-based office stationery inventory system is to solve problems that are currently faced by the BAUK UIB bureau where a new system is needed to replace the old manual system of recording stock data. The system development method used in this study is the SDLC Waterfall method. The office stationery inventory system will promote the comprehensiveness and accuracy of data that are stored and speed up the request product process. &#xD; Stages of design and implementation as well as the preparation of report writing are carried out from September 2018 to January 2019. This application is designed using PHP, Javascript, HTML, CSS programming language and assisted by Laravel and Bootstrap framework.&#xD; The results obtained from the application of office stationery inventory system are the increasing accuracy of stock data, the increasing speed of the process of requesting products by other bureau to BAUK bureau and can facilitate BAUK bureau in carrying out the process of collecting product stock data and collecting goods on demand data. The other results obtained is physical reports that contain information based on the results of data processing of stock items. Then the physical report can be stored and used as a backup data.</description><date>2019-03-13</date><type>Thesis:Thesis</type><type>PeerReview:NonPeerReviewed</type><type>Book:Book</type><language>eng</language><identifier>http://repository.uib.ac.id/1824/1/s-1531124-abstract-en.pdf</identifier><type>Book:Book</type><language>eng</language><identifier>http://repository.uib.ac.id/1824/2/s-1531124-abstract-id.pdf</identifier><type>Book:Book</type><language>eng</language><identifier>http://repository.uib.ac.id/1824/3/s-1531124-bibliography.pdf</identifier><type>Book:Book</type><language>eng</language><identifier>http://repository.uib.ac.id/1824/4/s-1531124-chapter1.pdf</identifier><type>Book:Book</type><language>eng</language><identifier>http://repository.uib.ac.id/1824/5/s-1531124-chapter2.pdf</identifier><type>Book:Book</type><language>eng</language><identifier>http://repository.uib.ac.id/1824/6/s-1531124-chapter5.pdf</identifier><type>Book:Book</type><language>eng</language><identifier>http://repository.uib.ac.id/1824/7/s-1531124-cover-id.pdf</identifier><identifier> Wantono, Jimmy (2019) Perancangan dan Implementasi Sistem Inventory Alat Tulis Kantor pada Biro BAUK UIB Berbasis Web dengan Metode SDLC. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Internasional Batam. </identifier><recordID>1824</recordID></dc>
language eng
format Thesis:Thesis
author Wantono, Jimmy
title Perancangan dan Implementasi Sistem Inventory Alat Tulis Kantor pada Biro BAUK UIB Berbasis Web dengan Metode SDLC
publishDate 2019
topic Information technology
url http://repository.uib.ac.id/1824/1/s-1531124-abstract-en.pdf
contents Dirancangnya sistem inventory ATK berbasis web memiliki tujuan untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang sedang dihadapi oleh biro BAUK UIB dimana perlunya suatu sistem baru untuk menggantikan sistem manual pencatatan data stok produk. Metode SDLC Waterfall merupakan metode yang digunakan dalam pengembangan sistem dalam penelitian ini. Dengan adanya sistem inventory ATK akan meningkatkan kelengkapan dan akurasi data yang disimpan serta akan mempercepat proses kerja permintaan barang. Tahapan perancangan dan implementasi serta penyusunan penulisan laporan dilaksanakan dari bulan September 2018 hingga bulan Januari 2019. Aplikasi ini dirancang menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP, Javascript, HTML dan CSS serta dibantu dengan framework Laravel dan Bootstrap. Hasil yang didapatkan dari penerapan sistem inventory ATK yaitu meningkatnya akurasi data stok barang dan kecepatan proses permintaan barang oleh biro-biro kepada biro BAUK serta dapat memudahkan biro BAUK dalam melaksanakan proses pendataan jumlah stok dan pendataan permintaan barang. Hasil lain yang didapatkan berupa laporan fisik yang berisi informasi berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data stok barang. Kemudian laporan fisik tersebut dapat disimpan dan digunakan sebagai backup data. ********************************************************************** The purpose of designing web-based office stationery inventory system is to solve problems that are currently faced by the BAUK UIB bureau where a new system is needed to replace the old manual system of recording stock data. The system development method used in this study is the SDLC Waterfall method. The office stationery inventory system will promote the comprehensiveness and accuracy of data that are stored and speed up the request product process. Stages of design and implementation as well as the preparation of report writing are carried out from September 2018 to January 2019. This application is designed using PHP, Javascript, HTML, CSS programming language and assisted by Laravel and Bootstrap framework. The results obtained from the application of office stationery inventory system are the increasing accuracy of stock data, the increasing speed of the process of requesting products by other bureau to BAUK bureau and can facilitate BAUK bureau in carrying out the process of collecting product stock data and collecting goods on demand data. The other results obtained is physical reports that contain information based on the results of data processing of stock items. Then the physical report can be stored and used as a backup data.
id IOS6185.1824
institution Universitas Internasional Batam
institution_id 2276
institution_type library:university
library Perpustakaan Universitas Internasional Batam
library_id 1875
collection Digital Repository UIB
repository_id 6185
subject_area Generalities(Karya Umum)
repoId IOS6185
first_indexed 2019-11-06T06:29:55Z
last_indexed 2019-11-06T06:29:55Z
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