Daftar Isi:
  • The amount of community activities that occur in the waters of the Musi River estuary indirectly have an impact on changes in water conditions. Organic material that enters the waters has an impact on phytoplankton growth which can then be seen from the chlorophyll-a concentration in the waters. This research was conducted on November until December 2018. Sampling was done using a purposive sampling method of 8 stations. Measurements of physical-chemical parameters in the waters include temperature, salinity, brightness, pH, DO (DissolvedOxygen) and current speed. The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the chlorophyll-a content; to determine the type and abundance of phytoplankton in the waters of the Musi River estuary. The results showed that the chlorophyll-a content in the Musi River estuary waters ranged from 2.90 - 15.35 mg/l with an average of 10.21 mg/l and showed that most of the Musi River estuary waters were included in the status eutrophic. Phytoplankton obtained consists of Diatom or Bacillariophyceae class of 23 genera, Chlorophyceae as many as 3 genera, Cyanophyceae as many as 2 genera and Dinophyceae as many as 3 genera. Phytoplankton abundance ranges from 1878 cells/l - 3339 cells/l.