Repository: Katalog BAPUSIP Prov. Sumbar (3305)

Date User Process Level Message
2135 hari periodic job INFO Finished
2135 hari periodic harvest FATAL IOS3305: Unable to connect to tcp:// Error: Connection timed out
2135 hari periodic HarvestOaiPmh FATAL Unable to connect to tcp:// Error: Connection timed out
2135 hari periodic harvest INFO Harvesting from IOS3305
2135 hari periodic job INFO Executing
2154 hari periodic job INFO Finished
2154 hari periodic harvest FATAL IOS3305: IOS3305: Request failed: 404
2154 hari periodic HarvestOaiPmh FATAL IOS3305: Request failed: 404
2154 hari periodic harvest INFO Harvesting from IOS3305
2154 hari periodic job INFO Executing
2176 hari periodic job INFO Finished
2176 hari periodic harvest FATAL IOS3305: Unable to connect to tcp:// Error: No route to host
2176 hari periodic HarvestOaiPmh FATAL Unable to connect to tcp:// Error: No route to host
2176 hari periodic harvest INFO Harvesting from IOS3305
2176 hari periodic job INFO Executing
2196 hari periodic job INFO Finished
2196 hari periodic harvest FATAL IOS3305: Unable to connect to tcp:// Error: No route to host
2196 hari periodic HarvestOaiPmh FATAL Unable to connect to tcp:// Error: No route to host
2196 hari periodic harvest INFO Harvesting from IOS3305
2196 hari periodic job INFO Executing