Repository: Ruang Baca French Corner (3331)

Date User Process Level Message
1376 hari periodic job INFO Finished
1376 hari periodic updateSolr INFO 35 indexed, 0 deleted, 0 merged
1376 hari periodic deduplicate INFO 56 processed, 21 deduplicated
1376 hari periodic renormalize INFO 56 renormalized
1376 hari periodic harvest FATAL IOS3331: Failed to parse XML response
1376 hari periodic HarvestOaiPmh FATAL Failed to parse XML response
1376 hari periodic HarvestOaiPmh FATAL Error 4 at 1:1: Start tag expected, '<' not found
1376 hari periodic HarvestOaiPmh FATAL Error 4 at 1:1: Start tag expected, '<' not found
1376 hari periodic HarvestOaiPmh FATAL Error 4 at 1:1: Start tag expected, '<' not found
1376 hari periodic harvest INFO Harvesting from IOS3331
1376 hari periodic job INFO Executing
1391 hari periodic job INFO Finished
1391 hari periodic updateSolr INFO 35 indexed, 0 deleted, 0 merged
1391 hari periodic deduplicate INFO 56 processed, 21 deduplicated
1391 hari periodic renormalize INFO 56 renormalized
1391 hari periodic harvest FATAL IOS3331: Failed to parse XML response
1391 hari periodic HarvestOaiPmh FATAL Failed to parse XML response
1391 hari periodic HarvestOaiPmh FATAL Error 4 at 1:1: Start tag expected, '<' not found
1391 hari periodic HarvestOaiPmh FATAL Error 4 at 1:1: Start tag expected, '<' not found
1391 hari periodic HarvestOaiPmh FATAL Error 4 at 1:1: Start tag expected, '<' not found