Repository: Berkala Arkeologi (5183)

Date User Process Level Message
1371 hari periodic job INFO Finished
1371 hari periodic deduplicate INFO 277 processed, 277 deduplicated
1371 hari periodic renormalize INFO 277 renormalized
1371 hari periodic harvest FATAL IOS5183: OAI-PMH error -- code: cannotDisseminateFormat, value: The requested metadataPrefix is not supported by this repository
1371 hari periodic HarvestOaiPmh FATAL OAI-PMH error -- code: cannotDisseminateFormat, value: The requested metadataPrefix is not supported by this repository
1371 hari periodic harvest INFO Harvesting from IOS5183
1371 hari periodic job INFO Executing
1387 hari periodic job INFO Finished
1387 hari periodic deduplicate INFO 277 processed, 277 deduplicated
1387 hari periodic renormalize INFO 277 renormalized
1387 hari periodic HarvestOaiPmh INFO 0 ListRecords requested, 0 harvested, 0 deleted
1387 hari periodic harvest INFO Harvesting from IOS5183
1387 hari periodic job INFO Executing
1402 hari periodic job INFO Finished
1402 hari periodic deduplicate INFO 277 processed, 277 deduplicated
1402 hari periodic renormalize INFO 277 renormalized
1402 hari periodic deduplicate INFO 8 processed, 8 deduplicated
1402 hari periodic HarvestOaiPmh INFO 0 ListRecords requested, 8 harvested, 0 deleted
1402 hari periodic harvest INFO Harvesting from IOS5183
1402 hari periodic job INFO Executing