Repository: GOVERNANCE: Journal of Local Political and Developmental Studies (Jurnal Kajian Politik Lokal dan Pembangunan) (5493)

Date User Process Level Message
1376 hari periodic job INFO Finished
1376 hari periodic updateSolr INFO 91 indexed, 0 deleted, 0 merged
1376 hari periodic deduplicate INFO 91 processed, 0 deduplicated
1376 hari periodic renormalize INFO 91 renormalized
1376 hari periodic harvest FATAL IOS5493: IOS5493: Request failed: 500
1376 hari periodic HarvestOaiPmh FATAL IOS5493: Request failed: 500
1376 hari periodic harvest INFO Harvesting from IOS5493
1376 hari periodic job INFO Executing
1392 hari periodic job INFO Finished
1392 hari periodic updateSolr INFO 91 indexed, 0 deleted, 0 merged
1392 hari periodic deduplicate INFO 91 processed, 0 deduplicated
1392 hari periodic renormalize INFO 91 renormalized
1392 hari periodic harvest FATAL IOS5493: IOS5493: Request failed: 500
1392 hari periodic HarvestOaiPmh FATAL IOS5493: Request failed: 500
1392 hari periodic harvest INFO Harvesting from IOS5493
1392 hari periodic job INFO Executing
1407 hari periodic job INFO Finished
1407 hari periodic updateSolr INFO 91 indexed, 0 deleted, 0 merged
1407 hari periodic deduplicate INFO 91 processed, 0 deduplicated
1407 hari periodic renormalize INFO 91 renormalized