Repository: ART EDUCARE Pendidikan Seni Rupa (88)

Date User Process Level Message
980 hari periodic job INFO Finished
980 hari periodic job INFO Finished
980 hari periodic deduplicate INFO 10 processed, 10 deduplicated
980 hari periodic renormalize INFO 10 renormalized
980 hari periodic harvest FATAL IOS88: Failed to parse XML response
980 hari periodic HarvestOaiPmh FATAL Failed to parse XML response
980 hari periodic HarvestOaiPmh FATAL Error 76 at 125:8: Opening and ending tag mismatch: meta line 4 and head; Error 76 at 139:15: Opening and ending tag mismatch: meta line 3 and html; Error 77 at 140:1: Premature end of data in tag head line 3; Error 77 at 140:1: Premature end of data in tag html line 3
980 hari periodic HarvestOaiPmh FATAL Error 76 at 125:8: Opening and ending tag mismatch: meta line 4 and head; Error 76 at 139:15: Opening and ending tag mismatch: meta line 3 and html; Error 77 at 140:1: Premature end of data in tag head line 3; Error 77 at 140:1: Premature end of data in tag html line 3
980 hari periodic HarvestOaiPmh FATAL Error 76 at 125:8: Opening and ending tag mismatch: meta line 4 and head; Error 76 at 139:15: Opening and ending tag mismatch: meta line 3 and html; Error 77 at 140:1: Premature end of data in tag head line 3; Error 77 at 140:1: Premature end of data in tag html line 3
980 hari periodic harvest INFO Harvesting from IOS88
980 hari periodic deduplicate INFO 10 processed, 10 deduplicated
980 hari periodic renormalize INFO 10 renormalized
980 hari periodic harvest FATAL IOS88: Failed to parse XML response
980 hari periodic HarvestOaiPmh FATAL Failed to parse XML response
980 hari periodic HarvestOaiPmh FATAL Error 76 at 125:8: Opening and ending tag mismatch: meta line 4 and head; Error 76 at 139:15: Opening and ending tag mismatch: meta line 3 and html; Error 77 at 140:1: Premature end of data in tag head line 3; Error 77 at 140:1: Premature end of data in tag html line 3
980 hari periodic HarvestOaiPmh FATAL Error 76 at 125:8: Opening and ending tag mismatch: meta line 4 and head; Error 76 at 139:15: Opening and ending tag mismatch: meta line 3 and html; Error 77 at 140:1: Premature end of data in tag head line 3; Error 77 at 140:1: Premature end of data in tag html line 3
980 hari periodic HarvestOaiPmh FATAL Error 76 at 125:8: Opening and ending tag mismatch: meta line 4 and head; Error 76 at 139:15: Opening and ending tag mismatch: meta line 3 and html; Error 77 at 140:1: Premature end of data in tag head line 3; Error 77 at 140:1: Premature end of data in tag html line 3
980 hari periodic harvest INFO Harvesting from IOS88
980 hari periodic job INFO Executing
980 hari periodic job INFO Executing