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Menampilkan 1 - 20 of 28 untuk pencarian: 'Sire, James W.', lama mencari: 0.08s
Semesta pemikiran : sebuah katalog wawasan dunia dasar
oleh Sire, James W.
Kebiasaan akal budi : kehidupan intelektual sebagai sebuah panggilan Kristen
The universe next door
The Universe Next Door
Why good arguments often fail
A Little primer on humble apologetics
The Universe next door
Vaclav Havel : The Intellectual conscience of international politics: An Introduction
Habits of the mind : Intellectual life as a Christian calling
Naming the Elephant : Worldview As a Concept
Why should anyone believe anything at all?
Scripture twisting : 20 Ways the cults misread The Bible
Apologetics beyond reason : why seeing really is believing
Kebiasaan Akal Budi : Kehidupan Intelektual sebagai Sebuah Panggilan Kristen -Habits of the Mind
Naming the Elephant : Worldview as a Concept
Universe Next Door, The : A Basic Worldview Catalog
Universe Nextdoor, The : A Basic Worldview Catalog
Discipleship of the Mind : learning to love God in the ways we think
Universe Next Door, The
Chris Chrisman Goes to College: ... and Faces the Challenges of Relativism, Individualism and Pluralism
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