The Effect Of Hello English Application On The Students’ Vocabulary Mastery At The Eighth Grade Of Junior High School (A Quasi-Experimental Study At The Eighth Grade Students Of SMPN 1 STM Hulu In Academic Year 2019/2020)

Main Author: Ginting, Rita Seroja Br
Format: Bachelors NonPeerReviewed Book
Bahasa: eng
Terbitan: , 2019
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  • The objective of this study is to find out whether or not there is significant effect of Hello English application on the students’ vocabulary mastery at the eighth grade of Junior High School. This research is a quantitative research with quasi-experimental design. It was carried out in the eighth grade of SMPN 1 STM Hulu under academic year 2019/2020. The total number of population was 128 students and the researcher took 32 students for experimental class and 32 students for controlled class which means 64 students as total of the sample. In collecting the data, the researcher used tests in the form of multiple choices as the instrument. The tests were pre-test which was given before the treatment and post-test which was given after the treatment. Then, the data obtained were analyzed by using t-test in SPSS 20 with 5% (0.05) significance level. Further, the researcher found that the mean score of post-test in experimental class was higher than controlled class (80.31 > 66.88). The t-test result also presents that t0(8.984) was higher than the ttablein the significance level 5% (0.05) with the degree of freedom 62 is 1.699. Therefore, the t0 result >ttable generated that H0 (null hypothesis) was rejected and Ha (alternative hypothesis) was accepted. The calculation of the effect size was 1.37 which in the range of effect criteria included to strong effect. Thus, Hello English application has significant effect on the students’ vocabulary mastery at the eighth grade of SMPN 1 STM Hulu.