Daftar Isi:
  • The study aims to determine the effect of company size, liquidity and dividend policy on company value with mediating profitability of manufacturing companies listed in BEI. The population of this research are 154 manufacturing companies listed in BEI for 2013-2017. The sesampel selection is done by purposive sumpling method, that is method by using certain criterion as sample, so that resulted 39 manufacturing companies and chemical to be sample in this research. The analytical techniques used in this study are deskriptif, multiple regression analysis, linieritas and classic assumption test consisting of 1) normality test, 2) multicolinierity, 3) autocorrelation and 4) heterocedasticity and path analysis to know influence direct and indirect given an independent variable to the dependent variable throught the mediating variabel. Keywords : company size, liquidity, dividend policy, profitability and value companies.