Transisi Epidemiologi di Indonesia dalam Dua Dekade Terakhir dan Implikasi Pemeliharaan Kesehatan Menurut Survei Kesehatan Rumah Tangga, Surkesnas, Riskesdas (1986-2007) {Epidemiological Transition in Indonesia in the Last Two Decades and Heatlh Care Implication According to Household Health Survey, National Health Survey Baseline Health Research (1986-2007)}
Format: | Book |
Terbitan: |
Sekretariat Badan Litbangkes
, 2012
Online Access: | |
Daftar Isi:
- The result of cause of death from several national health surveys could provide an analysis of the epidemiological transition in Indonesia as well as health care efforts to improve public health. Material taken from the Household Health Survey (HHS) 1986, 1992, 1995, National Heath Survey (Surkesnas) 2001, Baseline Health Research (Riskesdas) 2007 using cross-sectional method for the death over a period of one year before the survey in selected households. The sample of the 1986 HHS comes from 7 provinces covering 56,900 households (HH) based on stratified random sampling technique. Household Health Survey sample in 1992, 1995, 2001, 2007 using a Susenas core sample that include 65,664 HH, 206,240 HH, 211,168 HH, 258,366 HH, taken by Probability Proportional to Size method. Cause of death data was collected by quesioner using verbal autopsy technique and was classified based on ICD-9 and ICD-10. Ongoing epidemiological transition period continues in Indonesia and unfinished, this Epidemiological Transition has started earlier in Java-Bali, more powerful, and run faster than in outer Java-Bali. Regions reduction of the burden of disease is focused on communicable diseases and non-communicable diseases.In Java Bali region, the burden to overcome non communicable diseases is greater than the burden to overcome communicable disease. In outer Java Bali region, the burden to handle communicable disease including maternal and perinatal disorder is greater than in Java Bali region. The Government responsibility to ensure equitable health care for all citizens, to improve the quality of health care resources and toarrange performance of duty are evenly distributed throughout Indonesia.
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