Karakteristik Klinis dan Laboratorium pada Pasien Preeklamsia Berat Awitan Dini dan Awitan Lanjut di RSUP Fatmawati Jakarta Tahun 2016-2017

Main Authors: Amyranti, Annissa Kallista, Silalahi, Eva Roria
Format: Article info Back Matter application/pdf eJournal
Bahasa: eng
Terbitan: Dep/SMF Obstetri & Ginekologi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran , 2020
Online Access: http://www.obgynia.com/obgyn/index.php/obgynia/article/view/155
Daftar Isi:
  • Tujuan: Preeklamsia adalah sebuah gangguan dan meliputi banyak organ, yang sampai saat ini masih menjadi penyebab kematian ibu tertinggi kedua di dunia dan di Indonesia. Peningkatan kadar asam urat sering ditemukan pada pasien preeklamsia. Diketahui penyebabnya adalah akibat penurunan fungsi ginjal, penurunan kerusakan jaringan, dan peningkatan kerja enzim xantin oksidase.Metode: Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode cross-sectional dari data rekam medis pasien preeklamsi berat di RSUP Fatmawati Jakarta. Hasil: Pasien preeklamsia berat di RSUP Fatmawati 60% diantaranya pada kelompok usia 20–35 tahun, dengan IMT 3 30 sebanyak 42,4%, dan 68,5% pada pasien primi dan multi para. Analisis penelitian penggunakan uji hipotesis chi square, menunjukan terdapat hubungan antara kadar asam urat darah dengan perburukan preeklampsia berat (p=0,000<0,005).Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan antara kadar asam urat darah dengan awitan perburukan preeklamsia berat.Clinical and Laboratory Characteristics of Early and Late Onset Severe Preeclampsia Patients in Fatmawati General Hospital Jakarta 2016-2017AbstractObjective: Preeclampsia is disorder that affects many organs, which until now is still the highest cause of maternal death in the world and in Indonesia. Increased uric acid levels are often found in preeclamsy patients. The causes are known to decrease kidney function, decrease tissue damage, and increase the work of the xanthine oxidase enzyme.Methods: This research was conducted by cross-sectional method by taking medical records of severe preeclampsia patients at Fatmawati General Hospital, Jakarta. Result: Patients with severe preeclampsia in the Fatmawati General Hospital were 60% approved in the age group 20-35 years, with BMI 3 30 as many as 42.4% , and 68,5% of them were primiparous and multiparous women. The analysis of the study used the chi square hypothesis test, showed that blood uric acid levels has a relationship on the onset of worsening severe preeclampsia (p=0,000<0,005).Conclusion: This analysis showed that there was a relationship between blood uric acid levels and the onset of worsening severe preeclampsia .Key words: Severe preeclampsia , uric acid, early onset, late onset.