Main Author: Titin Ruliana, Isna Pasilinda H. Eddy Soegiarto K2,
Format: Article info application/pdf eJournal
Bahasa: eng
Terbitan: EKONOMIA , 2016
Online Access:
Daftar Isi:
  • PASILINDA ISNA, Discipline and Motivation Influence on Performance Junior High School Teacher in District Linggang Bigung West Kutai ( under the guidance of Eddy Soegiarto as a mentor I and Mrs. Titin Ruliana, as a mentor II )This study aims to determine the effect of discipline and motivation on teacher performance SMP District of Linggang Bigung. In addition, this study is also to determine the most dominant factor in improving the performance of teachers in Secondary Schools Linggang Bigung districts.Based on the result of an analysis of the basic theories and hypotheses proposed that the first hypothesis is suspected that the discipline and motivation together – the same positive and significant effect on teacher performance SMP districts Linggang Bigung and the second hypothesis is thought that the most dominant motivational factors affect the performance of Junior High School teacher Bigung Linggang collectively received since – the same discipline and motivation variables have an influence on the performance of Junior High School teacher.The analytical tool used in this study is the of Classical Assumption Test, Test Multikoliniearitas, Heteroskedastity Test, Test Normality, Autocorrelation Test and Regression calculation to determine the influence – the influence of discipline variable (X1) and motivation (X2) on teacher performance variables (Y). F test and t – test to determine the dependent variable and independent variables.The influence of these variables on the look of the F-test analysis results, the calculated F value is equal to 6.219 with a significance level of 0.028 ( 95% confidence level ) and F tables amounted to 4.74, which mean the F count equal to 6.219 > F table 4.74. So,when in view of the significance value 0.028 is less than α level of 5%. It can be concluded that the variables of discipline and motivation variables significantly affect the performance of Junior High School teacher.The contribution of the variables X1 and X2 to Y, ie R = 0.800 and R Square of 0.640 (64%). This mean that there are other factors beyond the 36% observed that also affect the performance of teacher in the district SMP Linggang Bigung .T results for each – each variableis as follows: variable discipline 0.074, 2.101 with a significance value greater than 0.05 and t table, which mean 2.262 t of 2.101 < t table 2.262, then the hypothesis is accepted because it fits the criteria t count< t table so evident that discipline and no significant positive effect on teacher performance. Motivation variable was 2.804 with a significance value of 0.026 is smaller than 0.05 and t table is 2.262, which means t count of 2.804>2.262 t table, so it is evident that motivation significantly influence the performance of teachers in the district SMP Linggang Bigung.