
Status Ok 12898 Deleted 5895 Invalid 1576 Pending 8 Sector University 12216 Archive 4671 Special 2233 Public 578 School 531 National 57 Museum 4 Park 1
Harvest Harvested 9132 Delete 4802 Failed 3462 - 2175 New 409 Reharvesting 190 Reindexed 130 Reharvest 51 Deleted 12 Reindex 9 Harvesting 3 Harvest 2 Total 20377
No Repository Sector ID Status Updated
Title Jurnal Abdimas MADUMA (JAM) Widget
Library Joal : Journal of Applied Linguistics (5244) Widget
Institution English Lecturers and Teachers Association (ELTA) (7181) Widget
City Medan
OAI Base https: / / /index.php /ecdj /oai
Prefix oai_dc
Format Journal
Software Open Journal System (OJS)
Subjects LAPORAN PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT; Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora; Ilmu Pendidikan; SOCIAL SIENCEES - RESEARCH
IOS Page IOS18790
Special 18790 Ok Failed 586 hari