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Figure 17 in Phylogenetic analysis of the tropical wolf spider subfamily Cteninae (Arachnida, Araneae, Ctenidae)
oleh Polotow, Daniele , Brescovit, Antonio D.
FIGURE 11. A–D in New species of the Neotropical spider genus Celaetycheus Simon, 1897 (Araneae: Ctenidae)
FIGURE 22. Masteria tayrona n in On the Neotropical spider Subfamily Masteriinae (Araneae, Dipluridae)
oleh Passanha, Victor , Brescovit, Antonio D.
FIGURE 4. Masteria spp. A in On the Neotropical spider Subfamily Masteriinae (Araneae, Dipluridae)
FIGURE 9 in Revision of the new wandering spider genus Ohvida and taxonomic remarks on Celaetycheus Simon, 1897 (Araneae: Ctenidae)
Hibana talmina Brescovit 1993
oleh Galvis, William , Brescovit, Antonio D.
FIGURE 16. Masteria amarumayu n in On the Neotropical spider Subfamily Masteriinae (Araneae, Dipluridae)
FIGURE 8. A–D in New species of the Neotropical spider genus Celaetycheus Simon, 1897 (Araneae: Ctenidae)
Hippasella Mello-Leitao 1944
oleh Brescovit, Antonio D. , Álvares, Éder S. S.
Masteria manauara Bertani, Cruz & Oliveira 2013
FIGURE 3 in Redescription of five Amazonian species of Ctenus Walckenaer (Araneae, Ctenidae, Cteninae)
FIGURE 8. Kiekie sarapiqui new species. A–B in Kiekie, a new Neotropical spider genus of Ctenidae (Cteninae, Araneae)
FIGURE 28. Masteria galipote n in On the Neotropical spider Subfamily Masteriinae (Araneae, Dipluridae)
Matta humrrum Brescovit & Cizauskas 2019, sp. n.
oleh Brescovit, Antonio D. , Cizauskas, Igor
Figure 13. A–D in Phylogenetic analysis of the tropical wolf spider subfamily Cteninae (Arachnida, Araneae, Ctenidae)
FIGURE 9. A–D in New species of the Neotropical spider genus Celaetycheus Simon, 1897 (Araneae: Ctenidae)
Hogna yauliensis Strand 1908
FIGURE 1. A–B in Kiekie, a new Neotropical spider genus of Ctenidae (Cteninae, Araneae)
Redescription of five Amazonian species of Ctenus Walckenaer (Araneae, Ctenidae, Cteninae)
Hippasella arapensis Strand 1908, comb. nov