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Menampilkan 1 - 20 of 33 untuk pencarian: 'Câmara, Josenir', lama mencari: 0.45s
Neoplasta fortiseta Smith 1962
oleh Câmara, Josenir T. , Rafael, José A.
Neoplasta nigrithorax Câmara & Rafael 2016, sp. nov
Neoplasta Coquillett 1895
Neoplasta lobata Câmara & Rafael 2016, sp. nov
FIGURES 44–47. 44–45 in Neoplasta Coquillett (Diptera: Empididae: Hemerodromiinae) from Brazil: new species and male description of N. fortiseta Smith
FIGURES 35–43 in Neoplasta Coquillett (Diptera: Empididae: Hemerodromiinae) from Brazil: new species and male description of N. fortiseta Smith
FIGURES 30–34 in Neoplasta Coquillett (Diptera: Empididae: Hemerodromiinae) from Brazil: new species and male description of N. fortiseta Smith
FIGURES 1–8 in Neoplasta Coquillett (Diptera: Empididae: Hemerodromiinae) from Brazil: new species and male description of N. fortiseta Smith
Macrostomus Wiedemann
oleh Rafael, José Albertino , Câmara, Josenir Teixeira
Lamprempis columbi Schiner 1868
Macrostomus occidentalis Rafael & Cumming 2006
Lamprempis Wheeler & Melander
New species of Metachela Coquillett (Diptera, Empididae) from the Atlantic Forest, Brazil and a key to the Neotropical species
oleh Câmara, Josenir Teixeira , Rafael, Jose Albertino
Figures 8-11 from: Câmara JT, Rafael JA (2017) New species of Metachela Coquillett from the Atlantic Forest, Brazil and a key to the Neotropical species (Diptera, Empididae). ZooKe...
Hilarempis vanellus Schiner 1868
Hemerodromia Meigen
oleh Câmara, Josenir T. , Takiya, Daniela M. , Plant, Adrian R. , Rafael, José A.
Hemerodromia megalamellata Câmara, Takiya, Plant & Rafael, 2015, sp. nov
FIGURES 44–50 in Neotropical Hemerodromia Meigen (Diptera: Empididae), a world of discovery II: New species from Atlantic forest, Brazil
Hemerodromia cummingi Câmara, Takiya, Plant & Rafael, 2015, sp. nov
Hemerodromia carioca Câmara, Takiya, Plant & Rafael, 2015, sp. nov