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FIGURE S1 in Molecular systematics and genital morphology of the Neotropical cockroaches from the genus Xestoblatta (Blattellidae)
oleh Vélez-Bravo, Andrés , Daza, Juan M.
Sinatablatta Velez & Daza 2021, gen.n
Pristimantis zorro Rivera-Correa & Daza 2020, sp. nov
oleh Rivera-Correa, Mauricio , Daza, Juan M.
FIGURE S3 in Molecular systematics and genital morphology of the Neotropical cockroaches from the genus Xestoblatta (Blattellidae)
FIGURE 1 in Out of the blue: A new rain frog species of the genus Pristimantis (Anura Craugastoridae) from the northern Cordillera Central in Colombia
FIGURE 5 in Out of the blue: A new rain frog species of the genus Pristimantis (Anura Craugastoridae) from the northern Cordillera Central in Colombia
FIGURE 4 in Out of the blue: A new rain frog species of the genus Pristimantis (Anura Craugastoridae) from the northern Cordillera Central in Colombia
FIGURE 2 in Out of the blue: A new rain frog species of the genus Pristimantis (Anura Craugastoridae) from the northern Cordillera Central in Colombia
FIGURE 6 in Out of the blue: A new rain frog species of the genus Pristimantis (Anura Craugastoridae) from the northern Cordillera Central in Colombia
FIGURE 3 in Out of the blue: A new rain frog species of the genus Pristimantis (Anura Craugastoridae) from the northern Cordillera Central in Colombia
FIGURE 1 in Molecular systematics and genital morphology of the Neotropical cockroaches from the genus Xestoblatta (Blattellidae)
Out of the blue: A new rain frog species of the genus Pristimantis (Anura Craugastoridae) from the northern Cordillera Central in Colombia
Xestoblatta Hebard 1916
3D images of herpetological collections: a new horizon for systematics research and public outreach in a tropical hotspot
oleh Daza, Juan M. , Fernandez, David S. , Cuartas, Daniela
Non-volant mammals from the protected areas associated to hydroelectric projects on the eastern slope of the northern Cordillera Central, Colombia
oleh Sánchez-Giraldo, Camilo , Daza, Juan M.
FIGURE 2 in Phylogenetic analysis of the Neotropical Pristimantis leptolophus species group (Anura: Craugastoridae): molecular approach and description of a new polymorphic species
oleh Rivera-Correa, Mauricio , Jiménez-Rivillas, Carlos , Daza, Juan M.
FIGURE 8 in Phylogenetic analysis of the Neotropical Pristimantis leptolophus species group (Anura: Craugastoridae): molecular approach and description of a new polymorphic species
FIGURE 5 in Phylogenetic analysis of the Neotropical Pristimantis leptolophus species group (Anura: Craugastoridae): molecular approach and description of a new polymorphic species
FIGURE 7. A in Phylogenetic analysis of the Neotropical Pristimantis leptolophus species group (Anura: Craugastoridae): molecular approach and description of a new polymorphic spec...
FIGURE 6 in Phylogenetic analysis of the Neotropical Pristimantis leptolophus species group (Anura: Craugastoridae): molecular approach and description of a new polymorphic species