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Menampilkan 1 - 8 of 8 untuk pencarian: 'Gray, Edward', lama mencari: 0.09s
The Role of the Academic Librarian
oleh Gray, Edward
5. D escription of T wo N ew G enera of Z oophytes (S ole - nocaulon and B ellonella ) discovered on the N orth C oast of A ustralia
oleh Rayner, Mr. , John, Dr. , Gray, Edward
Shorthand and Schools: An Appeal to Parents
oleh Gowers, W. R. , Gray, EdwardB , Neil, James , Thomson, W.
Der SSH Open Marketplace - Kontextualisiertes Praxiswissen für die Digital Humanities
oleh Zarei, Alireza , Seung-Bin, Yim , Ďurčo, Matej , Illmayer, Klaus , Barbot, Laure , Fischer, Frank , Gray, Edward
Requesting Crowd Expertise: The SSH Open Marketplace and LIBER
oleh Buddenbohm, Stefan , Barbot, Laure , Gray, Edward , Willems, Marieke , Larrousse, Nicolas , Petitfils, Clara
Marianela for B. Perez Galdas
Human vs. machine vs. social interfaces: The SSH Open Marketplace
oleh Buddenbohm, Stefan
Spanish and English dictionary
oleh VELAZQUEZ, Mariano