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Menampilkan 1 - 3 of 3 untuk pencarian: 'Guardiola-Albert, Carolina', lama mencari: 0.06s
Improving flood risk mapping using geostatistical techniques
oleh Guardiola-Albert, Carolina
Mathematics of Planet EarthProceedings of the 15th Annual Conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geosciences
oleh SpringerLink (Online service) , Guardiola-Albert, Carolina. , Heredia, Javier. , Moreno-Merino, Luis.
Forecasting flood-related emergency phone calls
oleh Aguilera, Hector , Guardiola-Albert, Carolina , Garrote Revilla, Julio , Gutierrez-Pérez, Ignacio , Vázquez Tarrío, Daniel , Díez-Herrero, Andrés