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Menampilkan 1 - 3 of 3 untuk pencarian: 'Kostas Giagtzoglou', lama mencari: 0.06s
Service testing metrics dataset
oleh Kostas Giagtzoglou , Anastasia Matonaki , Kevin Trendafili
Developing Sustainable Business Models to Connect, Upskill and Enhance the Collaborative Capabilities of Europe's SMEs in Open Innovation; the Case of OI2Lab
oleh Margarita Angelidou , Christina Balla , Kostas Bougiouklis , Kostas Giagtzoglou , Foteini Psarra , Kevin Trendafili
State-of-play in innovative technology assessment and rating
oleh Stefano Carosio , Alessandro Mistretta , Alessandra Zulian , Alberto Da Re