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Menampilkan 1 - 20 of 67 untuk pencarian: 'Lachi, Noureddine', lama mencari: 0.12s

Tetracanthella pilosa Schott 1891

info publication-taxonomictreatment Journal

oleh Brahim-Bounab, Hayette , Bendjaballah, Mohamed , Hamra-Kroua, Salah , Lachi, Noureddine , Bedos, Anne , Deharveng, Louis

Terbitan : 2020
Institusi : ZAIN Publications
Gedung :

Lokasi Repository IOS Number

Pseudachorutella asigillata Borner 1901

info publication-taxonomictreatment Journal

oleh Brahim-Bounab, Hayette , Bendjaballah, Mohamed , Hamra-Kroua, Salah , Lachi, Noureddine , Bedos, Anne , Deharveng, Louis

Terbitan : 2020
Institusi : ZAIN Publications
Gedung :

Lokasi Repository IOS Number

Friesea laouina Deharveng & Hamra-Kroua 2004

info publication-taxonomictreatment Journal

oleh Brahim-Bounab, Hayette , Bendjaballah, Mohamed , Hamra-Kroua, Salah , Lachi, Noureddine , Bedos, Anne , Deharveng, Louis

Terbitan : 2020
Institusi : ZAIN Publications
Gedung :

Lokasi Repository IOS Number

Xenylla Tullberg 1869

info publication-taxonomictreatment Journal

oleh Brahim-Bounab, Hayette , Bendjaballah, Mohamed , Hamra-Kroua, Salah , Lachi, Noureddine , Bedos, Anne , Deharveng, Louis

Terbitan : 2020
Institusi : ZAIN Publications
Gedung :

Lokasi Repository IOS Number

Xenylla maritima Tullberg 1869

info publication-taxonomictreatment Journal

oleh Brahim-Bounab, Hayette , Bendjaballah, Mohamed , Hamra-Kroua, Salah , Lachi, Noureddine , Bedos, Anne , Deharveng, Louis

Terbitan : 2020
Institusi : ZAIN Publications
Gedung :

Lokasi Repository IOS Number

Xenyllogastrura afurcata Deharveng & Gers 1979

info publication-taxonomictreatment Journal

oleh Brahim-Bounab, Hayette , Bendjaballah, Mohamed , Hamra-Kroua, Salah , Lachi, Noureddine , Bedos, Anne , Deharveng, Louis

Terbitan : 2020
Institusi : ZAIN Publications
Gedung :

Lokasi Repository IOS Number

Cosberella acuminata

info publication-taxonomictreatment Journal

oleh Brahim-Bounab, Hayette , Bendjaballah, Mohamed , Hamra-Kroua, Salah , Lachi, Noureddine , Bedos, Anne , Deharveng, Louis

Terbitan : 2020
Institusi : ZAIN Publications
Gedung :

Lokasi Repository IOS Number

Isotominella geophila Delamare Deboutteville 1948

info publication-taxonomictreatment Journal

oleh Brahim-Bounab, Hayette , Bendjaballah, Mohamed , Hamra-Kroua, Salah , Lachi, Noureddine , Bedos, Anne , Deharveng, Louis

Terbitan : 2020
Institusi : ZAIN Publications
Gedung :

Lokasi Repository IOS Number

Neelus murinus Folsom 1896

info publication-taxonomictreatment Journal

oleh Brahim-Bounab, Hayette , Bendjaballah, Mohamed , Hamra-Kroua, Salah , Lachi, Noureddine , Bedos, Anne , Deharveng, Louis

Terbitan : 2020
Institusi : ZAIN Publications
Gedung :

Lokasi Repository IOS Number

Sminthurinus elegans

info publication-taxonomictreatment Journal

oleh Brahim-Bounab, Hayette , Bendjaballah, Mohamed , Hamra-Kroua, Salah , Lachi, Noureddine , Bedos, Anne , Deharveng, Louis

Terbitan : 2020
Institusi : ZAIN Publications
Gedung :

Lokasi Repository IOS Number

Pseudachorutes parvulus Borner 1901

info publication-taxonomictreatment Journal

oleh Brahim-Bounab, Hayette , Bendjaballah, Mohamed , Hamra-Kroua, Salah , Lachi, Noureddine , Bedos, Anne , Deharveng, Louis

Terbitan : 2020
Institusi : ZAIN Publications
Gedung :

Lokasi Repository IOS Number

Microgastrura minutissima

info publication-taxonomictreatment Journal

oleh Brahim-Bounab, Hayette , Bendjaballah, Mohamed , Hamra-Kroua, Salah , Lachi, Noureddine , Bedos, Anne , Deharveng, Louis

Terbitan : 2020
Institusi : ZAIN Publications
Gedung :

Lokasi Repository IOS Number

Ceratophysella denticulata

info publication-taxonomictreatment Journal

oleh Brahim-Bounab, Hayette , Bendjaballah, Mohamed , Hamra-Kroua, Salah , Lachi, Noureddine , Bedos, Anne , Deharveng, Louis

Terbitan : 2020
Institusi : ZAIN Publications
Gedung :

Lokasi Repository IOS Number

Heteromurus tetrophthalmus

info publication-taxonomictreatment Journal

oleh Brahim-Bounab, Hayette , Bendjaballah, Mohamed , Hamra-Kroua, Salah , Lachi, Noureddine , Bedos, Anne , Deharveng, Louis

Terbitan : 2020
Institusi : ZAIN Publications
Gedung :

Lokasi Repository IOS Number

Folsomia candida Willem 1902

info publication-taxonomictreatment Journal

oleh Brahim-Bounab, Hayette , Bendjaballah, Mohamed , Hamra-Kroua, Salah , Lachi, Noureddine , Bedos, Anne , Deharveng, Louis

Terbitan : 2020
Institusi : ZAIN Publications
Gedung :

Lokasi Repository IOS Number

Pratanurida boerneri

info publication-taxonomictreatment Journal

oleh Brahim-Bounab, Hayette , Bendjaballah, Mohamed , Hamra-Kroua, Salah , Lachi, Noureddine , Bedos, Anne , Deharveng, Louis

Terbitan : 2020
Institusi : ZAIN Publications
Gedung :

Lokasi Repository IOS Number

Hypogastrura vernalis

info publication-taxonomictreatment Journal

oleh Brahim-Bounab, Hayette , Bendjaballah, Mohamed , Hamra-Kroua, Salah , Lachi, Noureddine , Bedos, Anne , Deharveng, Louis

Terbitan : 2020
Institusi : ZAIN Publications
Gedung :

Lokasi Repository IOS Number

Menampilkan 1 - 20 of 67 untuk pencarian: 'Lachi, Noureddine', lama mencari: 0.12s

Tetracanthella pilosa Schott 1891

info publication-taxonomictreatment Journal

oleh Brahim-Bounab, Hayette , Bendjaballah, Mohamed , Hamra-Kroua, Salah , Lachi, Noureddine , Bedos, Anne , Deharveng, Louis

Terbitan : 2020
Institusi : ZAIN Publications
Gedung :

Lokasi Repository IOS Number

Pseudachorutella asigillata Borner 1901

info publication-taxonomictreatment Journal

oleh Brahim-Bounab, Hayette , Bendjaballah, Mohamed , Hamra-Kroua, Salah , Lachi, Noureddine , Bedos, Anne , Deharveng, Louis

Terbitan : 2020
Institusi : ZAIN Publications
Gedung :

Lokasi Repository IOS Number

Friesea laouina Deharveng & Hamra-Kroua 2004

info publication-taxonomictreatment Journal

oleh Brahim-Bounab, Hayette , Bendjaballah, Mohamed , Hamra-Kroua, Salah , Lachi, Noureddine , Bedos, Anne , Deharveng, Louis

Terbitan : 2020
Institusi : ZAIN Publications
Gedung :

Lokasi Repository IOS Number

Xenylla Tullberg 1869

info publication-taxonomictreatment Journal

oleh Brahim-Bounab, Hayette , Bendjaballah, Mohamed , Hamra-Kroua, Salah , Lachi, Noureddine , Bedos, Anne , Deharveng, Louis

Terbitan : 2020
Institusi : ZAIN Publications
Gedung :

Lokasi Repository IOS Number

Xenylla maritima Tullberg 1869

info publication-taxonomictreatment Journal

oleh Brahim-Bounab, Hayette , Bendjaballah, Mohamed , Hamra-Kroua, Salah , Lachi, Noureddine , Bedos, Anne , Deharveng, Louis

Terbitan : 2020
Institusi : ZAIN Publications
Gedung :

Lokasi Repository IOS Number

Xenyllogastrura afurcata Deharveng & Gers 1979

info publication-taxonomictreatment Journal

oleh Brahim-Bounab, Hayette , Bendjaballah, Mohamed , Hamra-Kroua, Salah , Lachi, Noureddine , Bedos, Anne , Deharveng, Louis

Terbitan : 2020
Institusi : ZAIN Publications
Gedung :

Lokasi Repository IOS Number

Cosberella acuminata

info publication-taxonomictreatment Journal

oleh Brahim-Bounab, Hayette , Bendjaballah, Mohamed , Hamra-Kroua, Salah , Lachi, Noureddine , Bedos, Anne , Deharveng, Louis

Terbitan : 2020
Institusi : ZAIN Publications
Gedung :

Lokasi Repository IOS Number

Isotominella geophila Delamare Deboutteville 1948

info publication-taxonomictreatment Journal

oleh Brahim-Bounab, Hayette , Bendjaballah, Mohamed , Hamra-Kroua, Salah , Lachi, Noureddine , Bedos, Anne , Deharveng, Louis

Terbitan : 2020
Institusi : ZAIN Publications
Gedung :

Lokasi Repository IOS Number

Neelus murinus Folsom 1896

info publication-taxonomictreatment Journal

oleh Brahim-Bounab, Hayette , Bendjaballah, Mohamed , Hamra-Kroua, Salah , Lachi, Noureddine , Bedos, Anne , Deharveng, Louis

Terbitan : 2020
Institusi : ZAIN Publications
Gedung :

Lokasi Repository IOS Number

Sminthurinus elegans

info publication-taxonomictreatment Journal

oleh Brahim-Bounab, Hayette , Bendjaballah, Mohamed , Hamra-Kroua, Salah , Lachi, Noureddine , Bedos, Anne , Deharveng, Louis

Terbitan : 2020
Institusi : ZAIN Publications
Gedung :

Lokasi Repository IOS Number

Pseudachorutes parvulus Borner 1901

info publication-taxonomictreatment Journal

oleh Brahim-Bounab, Hayette , Bendjaballah, Mohamed , Hamra-Kroua, Salah , Lachi, Noureddine , Bedos, Anne , Deharveng, Louis

Terbitan : 2020
Institusi : ZAIN Publications
Gedung :

Lokasi Repository IOS Number

Microgastrura minutissima

info publication-taxonomictreatment Journal

oleh Brahim-Bounab, Hayette , Bendjaballah, Mohamed , Hamra-Kroua, Salah , Lachi, Noureddine , Bedos, Anne , Deharveng, Louis

Terbitan : 2020
Institusi : ZAIN Publications
Gedung :

Lokasi Repository IOS Number

Ceratophysella denticulata

info publication-taxonomictreatment Journal

oleh Brahim-Bounab, Hayette , Bendjaballah, Mohamed , Hamra-Kroua, Salah , Lachi, Noureddine , Bedos, Anne , Deharveng, Louis

Terbitan : 2020
Institusi : ZAIN Publications
Gedung :

Lokasi Repository IOS Number

Heteromurus tetrophthalmus

info publication-taxonomictreatment Journal

oleh Brahim-Bounab, Hayette , Bendjaballah, Mohamed , Hamra-Kroua, Salah , Lachi, Noureddine , Bedos, Anne , Deharveng, Louis

Terbitan : 2020
Institusi : ZAIN Publications
Gedung :

Lokasi Repository IOS Number

Folsomia candida Willem 1902

info publication-taxonomictreatment Journal

oleh Brahim-Bounab, Hayette , Bendjaballah, Mohamed , Hamra-Kroua, Salah , Lachi, Noureddine , Bedos, Anne , Deharveng, Louis

Terbitan : 2020
Institusi : ZAIN Publications
Gedung :

Lokasi Repository IOS Number

Pratanurida boerneri

info publication-taxonomictreatment Journal

oleh Brahim-Bounab, Hayette , Bendjaballah, Mohamed , Hamra-Kroua, Salah , Lachi, Noureddine , Bedos, Anne , Deharveng, Louis

Terbitan : 2020
Institusi : ZAIN Publications
Gedung :

Lokasi Repository IOS Number

Hypogastrura vernalis

info publication-taxonomictreatment Journal

oleh Brahim-Bounab, Hayette , Bendjaballah, Mohamed , Hamra-Kroua, Salah , Lachi, Noureddine , Bedos, Anne , Deharveng, Louis

Terbitan : 2020
Institusi : ZAIN Publications
Gedung :

Lokasi Repository IOS Number

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