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Menampilkan 1 - 2 of 2 untuk pencarian: 'Mardliyah, Lina', lama mencari: 0.04s

The Application of Society Based School and Its Implication toward Self-Governance of the Second Year Students of “SMU ALTERNATIVE QARYAH THAYYIBAH” of Kalibening, Salatiga in the...

Article info application/pdf eJournal

oleh Mardliyah, Lina

Terbitan : State Institute for Islamic Studies Salatiga, 2016
Institusi : IAIN Salatiga
Gedung :

Lokasi Repository IOS Number

Empowering Housewives on Processing Raw Materials from Yields into Food to Strengthen Local/Domestic Economy in Ketanggi Village, Salatiga

Article Proceeding application/pdf

oleh Mardliyah, Lina , Mujab

Terbitan : Australian Plant Biosecurity Science Foundation, 2020
Institusi : Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana
Gedung :

Lokasi Repository IOS Number

Menampilkan 1 - 2 of 2 untuk pencarian: 'Mardliyah, Lina', lama mencari: 0.04s

The Application of Society Based School and Its Implication toward Self-Governance of the Second Year Students of “SMU ALTERNATIVE QARYAH THAYYIBAH” of Kalibening, Salatiga in the...

Article info application/pdf eJournal

oleh Mardliyah, Lina

Terbitan : State Institute for Islamic Studies Salatiga, 2016
Institusi : IAIN Salatiga
Gedung :

Lokasi Repository IOS Number

Empowering Housewives on Processing Raw Materials from Yields into Food to Strengthen Local/Domestic Economy in Ketanggi Village, Salatiga

Article Proceeding application/pdf

oleh Mardliyah, Lina , Mujab

Terbitan : Australian Plant Biosecurity Science Foundation, 2020
Institusi : Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana
Gedung :

Lokasi Repository IOS Number

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