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Menampilkan 1 - 2 of 2 untuk pencarian: 'McClements, Jake', lama mencari: 0.07s
Drawing inspiration from nature to develop anti-fouling coatings: the development of biomimetic polymer surfaces and their effect on bacterial fouling
oleh McClements, Jake , Gomes, Luciana C. , Spall, Joshua , Saubade, Fabien , Akhidime, Devine , Peeters, Marloes , Mergulhão, Filipe J. , Whitehead, Kathryn A.
Principal Component Analysis to Determine the Surface Properties That Influence the Self-Cleaning Action of Hydrophobic Plant Leaves
oleh Saubade, Fabien , Pilkington, Lisa I. , Liauw, Christopher M. , Gomes, Luciana C. , McClements, Jake , Peeters, Marloes , Mohtadi, Mohamed El , Mergulhão, Filipe J. , Whitehead, Kathryn A.