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Fig. 3 in A new vertebrate for Europe: the discovery of a range-restricted relict viper in the western Italian Alps
oleh Samuele Ghielmi , Michele Menegon , Stuart J. Marsden , Lorenzo Laddaga , Sylvain Ursenbacher
Vipera walser Ghielmi, Menegon, Marsden, Laddaga & Ursenbacher, sp. nov
Fig. 4 in A new vertebrate for Europe: the discovery of a range-restricted relict viper in the western Italian Alps
Fig. 8 in A new vertebrate for Europe: the discovery of a range-restricted relict viper in the western Italian Alps
A new vertebrate for Europe: the discovery of a range-restricted relict viper in the western Italian Alps
Fig. 10 in A new vertebrate for Europe: the discovery of a range-restricted relict viper in the western Italian Alps
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