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Menampilkan 1 - 6 of 6 untuk pencarian: 'Muliartha, Ketut', lama mencari: 0.05s

Pengaruh Independensi, Keanggotaan, Kompetensi, dan Gender Komite Audit Terhadap Audit Delay

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oleh Santiani, Komang Novika , Muliartha, Ketut

Terbitan : Accounting Department, Economic and Business Faculty of Universitas Udayana in collaboration with the Association of Accounting Department of Indonesia, Bali Region, 2018
Institusi : Universitas Udayana
Gedung :

Lokasi Repository IOS Number

Good Corporate Governance sebagai Pemoderasi Pengaruh Financial Distress pada Opini Audit Going Concern

Article info application/pdf eJournal

oleh Wulandari, Ketut Memi , Muliartha, Ketut

Terbitan : Accounting Department, Economic and Business Faculty of Universitas Udayana in collaboration with the Association of Accounting Department of Indonesia, Bali Region, 2019
Institusi : Universitas Udayana
Gedung :

Lokasi Repository IOS Number

Pengaruh Time Budget Pressure, Management Pressure, Locus of Control, dan Perilaku Disfungsional

Article info application/pdf eJournal

oleh Gunadi, Mulya Tantra , Muliartha, Ketut

Terbitan : Accounting Department, Economic and Business Faculty of Universitas Udayana in collaboration with the Association of Accounting Department of Indonesia, Bali Region, 2020
Institusi : Universitas Udayana
Gedung :

Lokasi Repository IOS Number

Pengaruh Sikap dan Motivasi terhadap Minat Mahasiswa untuk Mengikuti Pendidikan Profesi Akuntan (PPAk)

Article info application/pdf eJournal

oleh Natami, Ni Made Anita Dewi , Muliartha, Ketut

Terbitan : Accounting Department, Economic and Business Faculty of Universitas Udayana in collaboration with the Association of Accounting Department of Indonesia, Bali Region, 2019
Institusi : Universitas Udayana
Gedung :

Lokasi Repository IOS Number

Penerapan dan Evaluasi PSAP Nomor 13 dalam Penyajian Laporan Keuangan (Studi pada Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha)

Article info application/pdf eJournal

oleh Intan Kesuma Dewi, A.A. Sagung , Muliartha, Ketut

Terbitan : Accounting Department, Economic and Business Faculty of Universitas Udayana in collaboration with the Association of Accounting Department of Indonesia, Bali Region, 2021
Institusi : Universitas Udayana
Gedung :

Lokasi Repository IOS Number

Menampilkan 1 - 6 of 6 untuk pencarian: 'Muliartha, Ketut', lama mencari: 0.05s

Pengaruh Independensi, Keanggotaan, Kompetensi, dan Gender Komite Audit Terhadap Audit Delay

Article info application/pdf eJournal

oleh Santiani, Komang Novika , Muliartha, Ketut

Terbitan : Accounting Department, Economic and Business Faculty of Universitas Udayana in collaboration with the Association of Accounting Department of Indonesia, Bali Region, 2018
Institusi : Universitas Udayana
Gedung :

Lokasi Repository IOS Number

Good Corporate Governance sebagai Pemoderasi Pengaruh Financial Distress pada Opini Audit Going Concern

Article info application/pdf eJournal

oleh Wulandari, Ketut Memi , Muliartha, Ketut

Terbitan : Accounting Department, Economic and Business Faculty of Universitas Udayana in collaboration with the Association of Accounting Department of Indonesia, Bali Region, 2019
Institusi : Universitas Udayana
Gedung :

Lokasi Repository IOS Number

Pengaruh Time Budget Pressure, Management Pressure, Locus of Control, dan Perilaku Disfungsional

Article info application/pdf eJournal

oleh Gunadi, Mulya Tantra , Muliartha, Ketut

Terbitan : Accounting Department, Economic and Business Faculty of Universitas Udayana in collaboration with the Association of Accounting Department of Indonesia, Bali Region, 2020
Institusi : Universitas Udayana
Gedung :

Lokasi Repository IOS Number

Pengaruh Sikap dan Motivasi terhadap Minat Mahasiswa untuk Mengikuti Pendidikan Profesi Akuntan (PPAk)

Article info application/pdf eJournal

oleh Natami, Ni Made Anita Dewi , Muliartha, Ketut

Terbitan : Accounting Department, Economic and Business Faculty of Universitas Udayana in collaboration with the Association of Accounting Department of Indonesia, Bali Region, 2019
Institusi : Universitas Udayana
Gedung :

Lokasi Repository IOS Number

Penerapan dan Evaluasi PSAP Nomor 13 dalam Penyajian Laporan Keuangan (Studi pada Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha)

Article info application/pdf eJournal

oleh Intan Kesuma Dewi, A.A. Sagung , Muliartha, Ketut

Terbitan : Accounting Department, Economic and Business Faculty of Universitas Udayana in collaboration with the Association of Accounting Department of Indonesia, Bali Region, 2021
Institusi : Universitas Udayana
Gedung :

Lokasi Repository IOS Number

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