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Menampilkan 1 - 20 of 113 untuk pencarian: 'Parsons, Talcott', lama mencari: 0.29s
The Social System
oleh Parsons, Talcott
Knowledge and society: American sociology
Toward a general theory of action
The Social system
Knowledge and society : American sodilogy
Structure and proces in modern societies
Politics and social structure
oleh PARSONS, Talcott
Esei-esei Sosiologi 2. 2
Esei-esei Sosiologi 1. 1
Essays in sociological theory.-- ed.Revisi
The social system
Essays in sociological theory.-- Ed.revisi
Social structure and personality
The evaluation of societies
The evolution of scieties/ Parsons
Gelandangan : pandangan ilmuwan sosial
The Social System : The Major Exposition of the Author's Conceptual Scheme for the Analysis of the Dynamics of the Social System / Talcott Parsons
Knowledge and society