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Menampilkan 1 - 3 of 3 untuk pencarian: 'Ripa, Maddalena', lama mencari: 0.05s
A closer look at national energy metabolism: multiscale integrated analysis of energy end uses
oleh Ripa, Maddalena , Velasco-Fernández, Raúl , Manfroni , Giampietro
Deep Decarbonisation from a Biophysical Perspective: GHG Emissions of a Renewable Electricity Transformation in the EU
oleh Di Felice, Louisa Jane , Ripa, Maddalena , Giampietro, Mario
MAGIC D5.2 IAM Data for SSP2
oleh Narvaez, Rodrigo , Jones, Chelsea , Sindt, Jan , Lissner, Tabea