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Correction and addition to "Contribution to the knowledge of the Polia praecipua (Staudinger, 1895) species complex with description of a new species from China (Lepidoptera, Noctu...
oleh Stüning, Dieter , Saldaitis, Aidas
FIGURES 3–5 in Revision of the Scopula dubernardi species group: how many species? (Lepidoptera: Geometridae, Sterrhinae)
oleh Sihvonen, Pasi , Stüning, Dieter
Revision of the Scopula dubernardi species group: how many species? (Lepidoptera: Geometridae, Sterrhinae)
FIGURE 46 in Revision of the Scopula dubernardi species group: how many species? (Lepidoptera: Geometridae, Sterrhinae)
FFIGURES 30–41 in Revision of the Scopula dubernardi species group: how many species? (Lepidoptera: Geometridae, Sterrhinae)
Paraplaneta Warren
oleh Choi, Sei-Woong , Stüning, Dieter
FIGURES 21–24. Male antennae. 21. Cataclysme riguata, 22. Paraplaneta conturbata, 23. P. plurilinearia, 24. P in Revision of the genus Paraplaneta Warren, 1895 (Lepidoptera: Geomet...
Mohacolora gen. n., a new genus of Ennominae (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) from South-East Asia, with description of a new species
oleh Stüning, Dieter , László, Gyula M.
Revision of the genus Paraplaneta Warren, 1895 (Lepidoptera: Geometridae, Larentiinae) from Southeast Asia
FIGURES 27–29 in Revision of the genus Paraplaneta Warren, 1895 (Lepidoptera: Geometridae, Larentiinae) from Southeast Asia
FIGURES 1–20 in Revision of the genus Paraplaneta Warren, 1895 (Lepidoptera: Geometridae, Larentiinae) from Southeast Asia
Mohacolora Stüning & László, 2015, gen. n.
Lithostege excelsata Erschov
oleh Sh, Hossein Rajaei , Stüning, Dieter , Viidalepp, Jaan
Gnopharmia Staudinger 1892
oleh Sh, Hossein Rajaei , Stüning, Dieter , Trusch, Robert
Lithostege samandooki Rajaei, sp. nov
FIGURE 25–26. G. colchidaria sinesefida. 25 in Taxonomic revision and zoogeographical patterns of the species of Gnopharmia Staudinger, 1892 (Geometridae, Ennominae)
Lithostege buxtoni Prout
Lithostege ancyrana Prout
Lithostege usgentaria Christoph
Lithostege infuscata Eversmann
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