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Menampilkan 1 - 4 of 4 untuk pencarian: 'Veličković Nevena', lama mencari: 0.08s
Data from: Demographic history, current expansion and future management challenges of wild boar populations in the Balkans and Europe
oleh Veličković, Nevena , Ferreira, Eduardo , Djan, Mihajla , Ernst, Martin , Obreht Vidaković, Dragana , Monaco, Andrea , Fonseca, Carlos
Integrative taxonomy of Merodon caerulescens complex (Diptera: Syrphidae) – evidence of cryptic speciation
oleh Šašić Zorić Ljiljana , Ačanski Jelena , Djan Mihajla , Kočiš Tubić Nataša , Veličković Nevena , Radenković Snežana , Vujić Ante
Disentangling a cryptic species complex and defining new species within the Eumerus minotaurus group (Diptera: Syrphidae), based on integrative taxonomy and Aegean palaeogeography
oleh Chroni Antonia , Grković Ana , Ačanski Jelena , Vujić Аnte , Radenković Snežana , Veličković Nevena , Djan Mihajla , Petanidou Theodora
Cryptic speciation in the Merodon luteomaculatus complex (Diptera: Syrphidae) from the eastern Mediterranean
oleh Radenković Snežana , Šašić Ljiljana , Djan Mihajla , Obreht Dragana , Ačanski Jelena , Ståhls Gunilla , Veličković Nevena , Markov Zlata , Petanidou Theodora , Kočiš Tubić Nataša
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