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Menampilkan 1 - 20 of 308 untuk pencarian: 'Wagner, Daniel', lama mencari: 0.14s
New technologies for literacy and adult education : a global perspective
oleh Wagner, Daniel A.
International yearbook of education
Literacy, culture, and development : Becoming literate in morocco
oleh Wagner, Daniel A
Antipathidae Ehrenberg 1834
oleh Wagner, Daniel , Shuler, Andrew
Myriopathidae Opresko 2001
Tanacetipathes Opresko 2001
Stichopathes Brook 1889
Aphanipathidae Opresko 2004
Antipathes Pallas 1766
Stichopathes pourtalesi Brook 1889
The black coral fauna (Cnidaria: Antipatharia) of Bermuda with new records
FIGURE 7 in The black coral fauna (Cnidaria: Antipatharia) of Bermuda with new records
FIGURE 4 in New species of black corals (Cnidaria:Anthozoa: Antipatharia) from deep- sea seamounts and ridges in the North Pacific
oleh Opresko, Dennis M. , Wagner, Daniel
Umbellapathes Opresko 2005
FIGURE 6 in New species of black corals (Cnidaria:Anthozoa: Antipatharia) from deep- sea seamounts and ridges in the North Pacific
FIGURE 10 in New species of black corals (Cnidaria:Anthozoa: Antipatharia) from deep- sea seamounts and ridges in the North Pacific
FIGURE 3 in New species of black corals (Cnidaria:Anthozoa: Antipatharia) from deep- sea seamounts and ridges in the North Pacific
Description of a new species of Leiopathes (Antipatharia: Leiopathidae) from the Hawaiian Islands
oleh Wagner, Daniel , Opresko, Dennis M.
FIGURE 4 in Description of a new species of Leiopathes (Antipatharia: Leiopathidae) from the Hawaiian Islands
Umbellapathes litocrada Opresko & Wagner 2020, sp. nov