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Menampilkan 1 - 5 of 5 untuk pencarian: 'de Goeij, Jasper M', lama mencari: 0.07s
Data archive: Niche overlap between a cold-water coral and an associated sponge for isotopically-enriched particulate food sources
oleh van Oevelen, Dick , Mueller, Christina E , Lundalv, Thomas , van Duyl, Fleur C , de Goeij, Jasper M , Middelburg, Jack J
Niche overlap between a cold-water coral and an associated sponge for isotopically- enriched particulate food sources
oleh van Oevelen, Dick , Mueller, Christina E. , Lundälv, Tomas , van Duyl, Fleur C. , de Goeij, Jasper M. , Middelburg, Jack J.
Bacterial precursors and unsaturated long-chain fatty acids are biomarkers of North-Atlantic demosponges
oleh de Kluijver, Anna , Nierop, Klaas GJ , Morganti, Teresa , Bart, Martijn , Slaby, Beate M , Hanz, Ulrike , de Goeij, Jasper M , Mienis, Furu , Middelburg, Jack J
An Integrative Model of Carbon and Nitrogen Metabolism in a Common Deep-Sea Sponge (Geodia barretti)
oleh de Kluijver, Anna , Bart, Martijn C , van Oevelen, Dick , de Goeij, Jasper M , Leys, Sally P , Maier, Sandra R , Maldonado, Manuel , Soetaert, Karline , Verbiest, Sander , Middelburg, Jack J
oleh de Kluijver, Anna , Nierop, Klaas GJ , Morganti, Teresa M , Bart, Martijn C , Slaby, Beate M , Hanz, Ulrike , de Goeij, Jasper M , Mienis, Furu , Middelburg, Jack J