Manual Validation and Calibration Method for All-or-Nothing Traffic Assignment

Main Author: Suprayitno, Hitapriya; ITS Surabaya
Format: Article info application/pdf eJournal
Bahasa: eng
Terbitan: Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember , 2017
Online Access:
ctrlnum article-2275
fullrecord <?xml version="1.0"?> <dc schemaLocation=""><title lang="en-US">Manual Validation and Calibration Method for All-or-Nothing Traffic Assignment</title><creator>Suprayitno, Hitapriya; ITS Surabaya</creator><subject lang="en-US">transportation modelling; all-or-nothing traffic assignment; validation; calibration</subject><description lang="en-US">Transport Modelling is capital for transportation planning. All-or-Nothing Traffic Assignment is used quite a lot. The model can not be considered valid without passing through validation and calibration process. A validation and calibration method, for the all-or-nothing traffic assignment, need to be developed. The research produced simple practical validation and calibration method. The calculated model traffic volumes are compared against the real traffic volumes. Simple validation method was developed by just setting a maximum allowable error, measured in precentage. Simple calibration method consists of correcting the model traffic volume by correcting the corresponding OD Matrix cell values. The calibration consists of 4 basic tasks : 1. identifying the traffic volume need to be calibrated, 2. identifying corresponding OD matrix cells corresponding to the traffic volume need to be calibrated, 3. distributing traffic volume error to the coresponding OD matrix cells, and 4. developing the calibrated OD matrix. Validation and Calibration are a pair of an iterative process.</description><publisher lang="en-US">Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember</publisher><contributor lang="en-US"/><date>2017-05-19</date><type>Journal:Article</type><type>Other:info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion</type><type>Journal:Article</type><type>File:application/pdf</type><identifier></identifier><identifier>10.12962/j23546026.y2017i2.2275</identifier><source lang="en-US">IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series; No 2 (2017): The 2nd Internasional Seminar on Science and Technology (ISST) 2016; 29-36</source><source>2354-6026</source><language>eng</language><relation></relation><rights lang="en-US">IPTEK&#xA0; JOURNAL OF PROCEEDING SERIES&#xA0; COPYRIGHT AND CONSENT FORM&#xA0;To ensure uniformity of treatment among all contributors, other forms may not be substituted for this form, nor may any wording of the form be changed.&#xA0; This form is intended for original material submitted to IPTEK Journal of Proceeding Series and must accompany any such material in order to be published by IPTEK Journal of Proceeding Series.&#xA0; Please read the form carefully and keep a copy for your files.&#xA0;TITLE OF PAPER/ARTICLE/REPORT, INCLUDING ALL CONTENT IN ANY FORM, FORMAT, OR MEDIA:&#xA0;&#xA0;COMPLETE LIST OF AUTHORS:COPYRIGHT TRANSFER1.&#xA0;&#xA0; The undersigned hereby assigns to IIPTEK Journal of Proceeding Series all rights under copyright that may exist in and to: (a) the above Work, including any revised or expanded derivative works submitted to&#xA0;IPTEK Journal of Proceeding Series by the undersigned based on the Work; and (b) any associated written or multimedia components or other enhancements accompanying the Work.&#xA0;CONSENT AND RELEASE1. 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language eng
format Journal:Article
author Suprayitno, Hitapriya; ITS Surabaya
title Manual Validation and Calibration Method for All-or-Nothing Traffic Assignment
publisher Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
publishDate 2017
topic transportation modelling
all-or-nothing traffic assignment
contents Transport Modelling is capital for transportation planning. All-or-Nothing Traffic Assignment is used quite a lot. The model can not be considered valid without passing through validation and calibration process. A validation and calibration method, for the all-or-nothing traffic assignment, need to be developed. The research produced simple practical validation and calibration method. The calculated model traffic volumes are compared against the real traffic volumes. Simple validation method was developed by just setting a maximum allowable error, measured in precentage. Simple calibration method consists of correcting the model traffic volume by correcting the corresponding OD Matrix cell values. The calibration consists of 4 basic tasks : 1. identifying the traffic volume need to be calibrated, 2. identifying corresponding OD matrix cells corresponding to the traffic volume need to be calibrated, 3. distributing traffic volume error to the coresponding OD matrix cells, and 4. developing the calibrated OD matrix. Validation and Calibration are a pair of an iterative process.
id IOS1120.article-2275
institution Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November
institution_id 196
institution_type library:university
library Perpustakaan Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November
library_id 104
collection IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series
repository_id 1120
province JAWA TIMUR
repoId IOS1120
first_indexed 2017-07-10T04:34:04Z
last_indexed 2017-07-10T04:34:04Z
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