An Investigation Into The Coupling Of Sloshing Effect Due To Translation Force Of Flng Motions
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- The motion of FPSO fluid inside gas carrier is normally restricted by loading condition of the vessel, whether the vessel is operated at near empty condition or under 30 % from fully loaded condition. In this way, resonance or sloshing effects of the fluid on the FPSO’s hull are limited. However, nowadays the FPSO carriers are considered to be operated at intermediate loading condition and also during the production. In this condition, the FPSO is more likely to be induced into resonance due to wave action and FPSO motion. This resonance or sloshing behavior of the FPSO leads to high impact pressure on hull storage construction. A theory based on gas dynamics for shock wave in a gas flow has been used to describe the motion of the fluid. Then, a linier potential theory as used in strip theory ship motion. The current paper describes a study model experiment in Maneuvering & Ocean Engineering Basin (M.O.B) at the Indonesian Hydrodynamic Laboratorium. It uses a wooden barge at scale of 1 : 70, together with various wave heading, amplitude and period. Using high speed video camera, the wave front formed by the bore of the FPSO in resonance is observed and the impact to the tank hull is measured.