The Impact of Rapid Growth of Urbanization and Urbanism in Eastern Ethiopia

Main Author: Telila, Shambel Tufa
Format: Article info application/pdf Journal
Bahasa: eng
Terbitan: Borong Newinera Publisher , 2020
Online Access:
Daftar Isi:
  • The intention of this paper is to investigate the impact of the rapid growth of urbanization and urbanism in Eastern Ethiopia, challenges and prospects. The researcher  used  qualitative  research  approaches and  primary and  secondary data collection  methods  that  largely  include  observations,  focus  group  discussion s, interviews. These are the principal methods to look into the etic view of the community  under  investigation.  The  paper  employs  only  a  qualitative  research method  to  examine  the  scenario  of  the  impact  of  rapid  urban  expansion  and challenges and prospects in this study. The empirical studies indicated that the urbanization process causes the dismantling of the immediate rural community and the cause of land grabbing from these societies. Therefore, this study utilizes to study the challenges and prospects of urbanization on the surrounding community immediately adjacent to urban areas. A number of studies indicated that urbanization causes both challenges and prospects in the area where the urbanization process is taking place. Nevertheless, the challenges and prospects of the urbanization on immediate to adjacent communities living in trouble and irritating for their future life. The standard this research finding disclosed that the living condition of the poor urban dwellers and community adjacent to urban areas who were not secured and stable. Even though they got some opportunities such as access to schooling social services markets and access to some important materials for survival. Still, th ese communities are challenged by the alarming rate growth urbanization that evoked impacts on the overall living patterns of these communities.